Monday, September 2, 2019

Tuesday Sept 3rd Day 9

Agenda today:


Essential Question: How did the theory and practice of Democracy develop and shape the world today?

Big Idea: England began to develop democratic institutions that limited
the power of the monarchy.

Why it Matters: Democratic traditions developed in England have influenced many countries, including the United States.

Journal Entry - What was the "Petition of Right" and what did Parliament hope to change by forcing the king to sign it?

Let's watch the short video - (edpuzzle)

What about Habeas Corpus?....- (edpuzzle)

For Today...
Answer the short questions about Lesson #3 and submit to them classroom folder. The questions doc is attached to the folder.

The remainder of the time should be spent on Lesson #4 Outline and answering the short questions on Lesson #4 (also attached to a google classroom folder)

Questions for Lesson #3 due by tonight, questions for Lesson #4 due tomorrow night

Questions for Lesson #1 - Lesson #1