Sunday, September 22, 2019

Monday Sept 23rd Day 17

Absolute VS Enlightened Monarchs

Students will understand the rights and restrictions that are defined by the first five amendments of the Bill of Rights in the United States Constitution. They will demonstrate that understanding by restating those ideals in their own words.

The study of the enlightened thinkers allows for students to understand what influences our founding fathers used in crafting the Constitution. Furthermore, understanding the various sections and details of the constitution, will allow students to gain a better understanding of its purpose and practice is daily life.

By completing the test on Chapter 2 students will demonstrate their understanding of the main concepts presented within the Unit.

We'll start by finalizing a few points in regards to Absolute Monarchs VS Enlightened Monarchs...
We'll watch a short video on Machiavelli ("the ends justify the means") and understand his influence on the actions of both types of Monarchs.Machiavelli (read this short article to get a better understanding of his thoughts and beliefs and how these would influence the actions of absolute Monarchs
Machiavelli Video (edpuzzle)
There is a short worksheet on Machiavelli (Google Classroom) and then we will transition into the American Revolution on Tuesday
Schedule: Quiz will be Thursday after we cover the material in the lesson...which should produce a lot of 10/10 on the quiz
No Journal today, we will have one tomorrow.