Monday, September 16, 2019

Monday Sept 16th Day 14

Chapter 2 Section #2 Quiz


* Identify the roles that censorship and salons played in the spread of new ideas
* Describe how the Enlightenment affected the arts and literature
* Understand how philosophes influenced enlightened despots
* Explain why Enlightenment ideas were slow to reach most Europeans

The study of early philosophes can help students to understand the philosophical underpinnings of the world in which we live today. More specifically, the study of political philosophers, such as Locke, Hobbes, Montesquieu and Voltaire, can help students to understand the specific ramifications a political philosophy can have on the rights they are granted as citizens.

By listing and explaining specific beliefs to specific philosophes, students will demonstrate a basic understanding of where current rights of citizens and limitations of government began.

Journal - #1 - Describe the difference between the accepted thought process of most Europeans as it related to class and social role vs the Enlightened belief regarding these areas.

#2 - What makes a Despot Enlightened?

Schedule til Fall Break...

Module #4 Lesson 3 "The Enlightenment Spreads" This is assigned to be submitted Tonight. - Module #4

We will spend tomorrow class regarding Enlightened Despots. (presentation and activity about Monarchs and Glorious Revolution)

For Wednesday Night finish Module #3 Lesson #2 Outline on The Reign of Louis XIV
Module #3 Lesson #2 - we are covering this lesson because The Frech Revolution will be covered after the Fall Break, and this lesson sets the stage for what happens.

American Revolution

I am getting new textbook training on Wed, so you should have on-line access (hopefully) by Thursday. Next week will be spent on American Revolution, Bill of Rights, etc. This will take us into Fall Break. Nothing will be assigned over the break.