Thursday, September 19, 2019

Thursday Sept 19th Day 16

Module #3 Lesson #2 Quiz

Quizzes activity on the stuff from Tuesday

Compare and contrast the positive and negative impacts of social and political systems on various societies.
 Connect how authority and power influence the government in societies
 Explain how leadership influences the social, economic and political interest of a society.
 Deduce how ideals influence and help form political thought
 Interpret the role of citizens and their responsibilities toward their government
 Evaluate how changes in society and government lead to conflict
 Analyze how cultural values influence the ways that citizens and governments interact.

Why do you think absolute monarchs came to power in many different regions,
and what caused their demise?

Journal: What was the Edict of Nantes and why was it important?

for today...short presentation on Louis XIV-  with a classroom question to answer at the end

The American Revolution - Module #4 Lesson #4 (Located on Google Classroom)
Quiz on Monday covering the Lesson