Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Tuesday Sept 24th Day 18

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American Revolution

Students will understand the rights and restrictions that are defined by the first five amendments of the Bill of Rights in the United States Constitution. They will demonstrate that understanding by restating those ideals in their own words.

The study of the enlightened thinkers allows for students to understand what influences our founding fathers used in crafting the Constitution. Furthermore, understanding the various sections and details of the constitution, will allow students to gain a better understanding of its purpose and practice is daily life.

By completing the test on Chapter 2 students will demonstrate their understanding of the main concepts presented within the Unit.

Today's Essential Question: 

American Revolution....what do you know?


Journal: In 1651 British Parliament passed a trade law called the Navigation Act, what impact/restrictions did this place on the American colonies

Today, we will go through a summary presentation regarding the American Revolution. You will have two assignments which you can do with a partner. (located on Google Classroom, not active yet)

We'll see if we can get aceess to the new textbook online materials