Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Wednesday Aug 14th Day 1

Accelerated World History

Here is the form that includes a copy of the class syllabus as well as your acknowledgment to its expectations. Please read the syllabus carefully and fill-in the form with the appropriate information.
This form should be completed by both you and ( at least ) one of your parent(s) and or guardian(s).

Syllabus and Google Form

World History

Today we will get seating assignments, go over the course syllabus, classroom expectations, procedures, etc, etc.

You will have access to a Google Chromebook daily (just like last year) and many of the same procedures will be used (Chromebook check-out, proper use policy, etc)

We will also be using Google Classroom for assignment submission
CODE: gu61hq7

My contact: sgillis@sjusd.org

I also updated the Google classroom code -we will work on it tomorrow (Thursday)