Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Tuesday Aug 27th Day 6

Agenda today:

2. Journal Entry #1 Discussion

What were a few (2-3) reforms Solon instituted and what was
the intended effect

Why is Cleisthenes generally considered the founder of
Athenian democracy? (list the actual changes he implemented
into society)

What did the Greeks develop to avoid authoritarian rule
in its government

3. Module #1 Lesson #2 Outline Due Wed Night, for prep of Quiz #2 on Thursday. Once you finish the outline play this Quizlet game (thank you me Barros)

4. The ideal approach to this class and all the information you encounter where you have an opinion...please do not click on the link until I tell you

Socrative.com - GILLIS5961


Essential Question: How did the theory and practice of Democracy develop and shape the world today?

Big Idea: The Greeks developed Democracy, and the Romans added representative government

Why it Matters: Representation and citizen participation are important features of democratic governments around the world.


Journal write: Why is Cleisthenes generally considered the founder of Athenian democracy? (list the actual changes he implemented into society)


intro presentation to the Greeks - ( Presentation )

After the first part of the presentation, we will look at the Speeches by Pericles and answer the questions using a Google Drive Doc, and submit the answers to a google classroom folder.

If there is time remaining, students will begin outlining Module 1 using their Chapter Template.

Pericles Speeches - You will be using the Pericles Speech to deconstruct the meaning of his words.

Your assignment is to rewrite and translate each sentence (in the linked doc below) in more simple terms...tell me what Pericles means in each sentence.
Pericles Speech on Democracy