Thursday, August 29, 2019

Thursday Aug 29th Day 7

Agenda today:

1. Module #1 Quiz #2


Essential Question: How did the theory and practice of Democracy develop and shape the world today?

Big Idea: Judaism and Christianity taught individual worth, ethical values, and the need to fight injustice.

Why it Matters: These ideals continue to be important to democracy today.

Journal Entry - What does Rennaisance mean (definition) and what were the underlying goals.

For Today...

Here's the argument against Judeo-Christian Belief system - Here's one side (we could and did do it without faith...)

Here's the argument for Judeo-Christian Belief system - Here's the other side (we couldn't have done it without the faith part)

Rennaissance presentation...once we finish the remainder of the time for Lesson #3.