Thursday, November 29, 2018

Thursday Nov 29th Day 43


Build the Poster, make the questions
Today you will be given the block period to assemble the final poster and make the questions for the gallery walk

You will need to design 5 questions that a viewer of your project will be able to answer from viewing/reading your poster. These 5 questions should focus on the most significant elements of your person. (Essentially, what 5 things are the most important things to know about your biography subject).
Assignment Overview/Directions
List of Famous Women

Costco price list

What we have remaining for the Semester

Women in History Project (week of Nov 26th - Dec3rd) - Tuesday research day, Thursday Production Day, Monday Present and gallery walk day.

Chapter 7 Sections #1 - #4 (weeks of Dec 3rd - 14th) - Monday assign Section #1 of Chapter 7. Tuesday - assign Section #2, Thurday asign Section #3, Monday assign Section #4, Tuesday - Chapter 7 Quizes sections #1- #4 only). Thursday - results and review for FINAL

Timeline for the Semester will be due Thursday Dec 13th.

Remaining Assignments:
Women in History Biography - (35pts)
Chapter 7 Sectional outlines (1-4) - (20 pts)
Chapter 7 Sectional quizzes (1-4) - (40 points)
Semester Journals - (25 pts)
Semester Timeline (40 pts)

Total Points available prior to the FINAL - 1102
1102 - 986 = A
985 - 876 = B
875 - 765 = C
764 - 655 = D
Magic # = 1052