Sunday, November 4, 2018

Monday Nov 4th Day 33

Agenda Monday, Nov 5th

Chapter 6 Sec #1 & #2 Quiz

Chapter 6 Section #3 Outline Due Monday Night (Nov 5th)

Chapter 6 Section #4 Outline Due Wednesday Night (Nov 7th)
Men Who Guilt America Part 8 Due Wednesday Night (Nov 7th)

Chapter 6 Test will be  Thursday, Nov 8th

Industrial Revolution Project Submission by Tuesday Night Nov 13th 

Industrial Revolution Project Presentations start  Thursday, Nov 15th 

Unit 4 Standards (Industrial Revolution)
Chapters 5 & 6


After studying this chapter students should be able to:
1. Understand the causes of the Industrial Revolution in England, Europe, and the United States.
2. Be able to describe the technological innovations that spurred industrialization.
3. Be able to describe the social, economic, and environmental impact of the Industrial Revolution and to make connections between the impact of the Industrial Revolution and the ideological and political responses.
4. Understand the relationship between the industrialized world and the non-industrialized world as demonstrated in the cases of Russia, Egypt, and India.

The Industrial Revolution was the biggest social turning point in history, transforming the very way people lived their lives. Identifying the various social, political, and economic changes of the times is essential in understanding the period and the effects it had on the world.
Being able to identify and explain the effects of the Industrial Revolution on the living experience of people all of over the world will assist in understanding the different paths societies took as they developed.


Essential question - How important is sanitation?
Change in the way work is done

Journal Entry (CH 6 Sec#1) - What countries quickly industrialized after Great Britain and what factors allowed/assisted it to happen?

(CH 6 Sec#1 part 2) - Explain who this quote is referencing and what it means.


Today - 

Take the quiz, answer the journal questions, update assignment sheets, confirm 12 week grades.

Watch this Prezi about the medical advancements during this period - 

Men Who Built America
Answers to the questions for part 7 will be due Sunday Night, Nov 4th

Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, Carnegie and Morgan have gone un-monitored for decades, but American politicians are about to change that. They want to guard against monopolies and an unbalanced use of power. The men, some lifelong enemies, come together with a play to gain influence with the White House. Their candidate, William McKinley, wins the White House and passes legislation favorable to big business. Morgan and Carnegie create U.S. Steel, the first billion-dollar company in the U.S. while Rockefeller takes control of 90 percent of North American oil.

Key terms to define

Discussion Questions
1. Why were American workers upset at the time of the 1896 election? How did William Jennings Bryan attempt to address some of their concerns?
2. Why did the business tycoons put their support behind William McKinley? Were they successful?
3. What does “anti-trust” mean? Do you agree with the strategy of breaking up businesses that become very dominant in one industry?

There's only soooo  much room and sooooo many resources

Essential Question - Why was he so wrong, or was he?

Malthus Debate Article (answer the questions at the end of the article)