Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Tuesday Sept 18th Day 15

Section #3 Quiz     

Due Wednesday: (Sept 19th...by 11:59 PM)
Here is the rest of the presentation, you will need to go through the presentation and finish:  Philosophe 101 presentation
-This is the Social Contract reference from the presentation -
-At the end of the presentation see if you can fill-in this worksheet covering the 6 philosophes mentioned in the presentation (Hobbes, Locke, Montesquieu, Rousseau, Voltaire, Beccaria)
Inspired Quotes Worksheet
Section #3 materials -  American Revolution Scavenger Hunt - 
Constitution Presentation

Quick Writes will be due Wed night by 11:59, as well as the Yes/No Worksheet, Inspired Quotes, and the American Revo Scavenger Hunt

Students will understand the rights and restrictions that are defined by the first five amendments of the Bill of Rights in the United States Constitution. They will demonstrate that understanding by restating those ideals in their own words.

The study of the enlightened thinkers allows for students to understand what influences our founding fathers used in crafting the Constitution. Furthermore, understanding the various sections and details of the constitution, will allow students to gain a better understanding of its purpose and practice is daily life.

By completing the test on Chapter 2 students will demonstrate their understanding of the main concepts presented within the Unit.

Today's Essential Question: 

American Revolution....what do you know?

Journal: #6 - King George thought the colonists should pay to help with wars, what two taxes were imposed on the colonists in 1764 and 1765, and what was the reaction?

Journal #7 - Which 3 European countries supported the colonies efforts to gain independence, and which single event convinced the first of them to join?

Bill of Rights:

Each group will be assigned an amendment. Select the amendment link below assigned to your group and fill-in your chart as it relates to your amendment. Once each group has filled-in their amendment on the chart, select a person to read out what you put in your chart so the rest of the class can fill-in those sections.  Summarize the main idea of your Amendment, and provide some examples of the types of cases that it deals with.

Bill of Rights Chart - open this link and fill-in the table of the 1st 10 amendments when they are presented.

Amendment #1                    Amendment #2                    Amendment #3             

Amendment #4                    Amendment #5                    Amendment #6

Amendment #7                    Amendment #8                    Amendment #9

Amendment #10              

Amendment #14

 American Revolution Scavenger Hunt

Once we complete the chart, we will watch the Bill of Rights in Action, in Congress.
Trey Gowdy Video

Test Prep Activities for Thursday

Use these drag and drop games to test your vocab
Chapter 2 People and Concepts Vocabulary