Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Tuesday Sept 25th Day 19

French Revolution Day 1

Given a historical background on the social and political atmosphere in France in the 1700's, students will be able to list and explain the connections, casual and otherwise, between particular historical events and larger social, economic, and political trends and developments in France, which led to the French Revolution

The effects of the Philosophes was particularly felt in France where most of them did their "Philosophizing," understanding the effects on the actual political and social situation, as well as understanding what the effect of the American Revolution had, will bring these two events in clear influence and connection.

Being able to identify and connect various events, philosophies, and changes within France will demonstrate a students ability to connect causes and outcomes of many of the revolutionary events in Europe.

Today's Essential Question: 

How does the Declaration reflect the French Revolution  slogan of the "Liberty, Equality and Fraternity" 


Journal Topic:
#1 - Describe the members of each of the 3 Estates in France

#2 - What was the fear and hope of the King and the Aristocracy regarding assembly of the Estates General?


Start on the French Revo presentation -Quick Writes for Presentation

Answer both of these docs  -
Causes of the French Revo Doc 1 - ( here ) (you do not need to answer extensions 1 or 2)
Causes of the French Revo Doc 2 - ( here ) (you don't have to write the two pages described on Question 10, you can just ignore it)

France then, America Today - this article does a comparison about the issues affecting the American Economy and social class of today and how it compared with the same subjects in France in the 1780's

Chapter 3 Section 2 finished by Wednesday Night,