Friday, September 15, 2017

Friday Sept 15th Day 13

Due Sunday: (Sept 11:59 PM)
Chapter 2 Section #3 Outline

Due Tuesday: (Sept 11:59 PM)
Chapter 2 Sectional quizzes


Standard 10.2.1 

Compare the major ideas of philosophers & their effects on the democratic revolutions in England, the U.S., France, & Latin America (e.g., John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, Charles-Louis Montesquieu, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau.


Given an historical presentation on the various philosophes of the 1700's, students will be able to identify, explain and evaluate the various points of view as to the nature of man, and the role that government plays in the rights exercised by its citizens.

The study of early philosophes can help students to understand the philosophical underpinnings of the world in which we live today. More specifically, the study of political philosophers, such as Locke, Hobbes, Montesquieu and Voltaire, can help students to understand the specific ramifications a political philosophy can have on the rights they are granted as citizens.

By listing and explaining specific beliefs to specific philosophes, students will demonstrate a basic understanding of where current rights of citizens and limitations of government began.

Today's Essential Question: 

What is to be Enlightened?

Journal:Journal #4 - Describe the difference between the accepted thought process of most Europeans as it related to class and social role vs the Enlightened belief regarding these areas
#5 What makes a Despot Enlightened?

Presentation on the The Philosophers Locke and Hobbes - PDF Version

There are several slides in the presentation that ask your to reflect on something Enlightenment related, use the template below to answer the quick rites within the presentation
Quick Writes from Presentation

Social Contract Assignment - Get the question(s) from the presentation, discuss at your table, enter your response into your journal cell for today (label that section so I know what you are answering) 
Why Government Hobbes - ( here )
Why Government Locke - ( here )

When the presentation is over, work on the two Enlightenment docs below

Enlightenment Worksheet assignment - Positions of Philosophes

Once the previous worksheet has been completed, see if you can accurately apply the the quote to the philosophe - Quotes

Lastly, each section has a quiz that needs to be finished as a review for your test.
Combine all three quizzes onto 1 document and submit into Google Classroom folder

Monday -  The American Revolution Scavenger Hunt - American Revolution Scavenger Hunt