Thursday, March 30, 2017

Thursday March 30th Day 31


Students will be able to understand the widespread disillusionment with prewar institutions, authorities, and values the resulted in a void that was later filled by totalitarians.
Students will be able to discuss the influence of World War I on literature, art, and intellectual life in the West (e.g.,Pablo Picasso, the :lost generation" of Gertrude STein, Ernest Hemingway)

The aftermath of World War I with its winners and losers sets the stage for totalitarians to raise among the rubble of defeated countries. 5 powerful men emerge from the social and political situation and transform the way  government and power operate in a society. Having a basic understanding of these men and the situation where they developed in essential in understanding the late 20th century.

Being able to list the Totalitarian leaders and the different conditions that led to their power, as well as the results of their reign.


Essential Question -Demagogues can they be both positive and negative?.

Journal Entry -
1. Given its restrictions on personal freedom, why did Fascism appeal to many Italians?
2. What are similarities of Communism and Fascism, and what are the differences.

QUIZ #3  (answer quiz #3 now but submit the day of the test with the other sections)

Thursday - Totalitarianism Presentation #2

Chapter Outlines Schedule

Due Thursday March 30th
Chapter 13 Section #3 

Due Monday April  3rd
Chapter 13 Section #4 

Due Tuesday April  4th
Chapter 13 Section #5 

Chapter 13 Sectional Presentation

Chapter 13 Test -Thursday Apr 6th