Sunday, April 17, 2016

Monday April 18th Day 41

CHAPTER 14 From Appeasement to War

students will be able to:
-Analyze the threat to world peace posed by dictators in the 1930's and how the Western democracies responded.
-Describe how the Spanish Civil War was a “dress rehearsal” for World War II. 
-Summarize the ways in which continuing Nazi aggression led Europe to war.

The aftermath of World War I with its winners and losers sets the stage for totalitarians to raise among the rubble of defeated countries. 5 powerful men emerge from the social and political situation and transform the way  government and power operate in a society. These separate developments continue to grow in power and influence and each begins to stake its claim to regain the losses of WWI. These actions sets the stage for WWII

Being able to list the various policies and actions taken by certain countries and the response to those actions will demonstrate that students can track the various precursors to WWII


Essential Question -Appeasement, what is it, does it ever work

Journal Entry - Appeasement - defined as -  to make anxious overtures and often undue concessions to satisfy the  demands of 
someone with a greed for power, territory, etc.

A quote from Ayn Rand - The truly and deliberately evil men are a very small minority; it is the appeaser who unleashes them on mankind; it is the appeaser’s intellectual abdication that invites them to take over. When a culture’s dominant trend is geared to irrationality, the thugs win over the appeasers. When intellectual leaders fail to foster the best in the mixed, unformed, vacillating character of people at large, the thugs are sure to bring out the worst. When the ablest men turn into cowards, the average men turn into brutes.

Journal Entry - Think of an example of when someone forced their way onto or in  a situation. What was your gut instinct? Was it to stop it or was the thought of that and the 
repercussions of your actions "not worth it" and you decided to just deal with the situation.
Was that the right decision? 
How do you decide when to "go along to get along" VS "saying what needs to be said before leaving."

Moral Judgment

Monday- Correct Test, update assignment sheets, confirm scores/points for 12 week grades

Chapter Outlines Schedule

Due Tuesday Apr 19th 
Chapter 14 Section #1     Sec #1 pdf

Due Thursday April  21st
Chapter 14 Section #2     Sec #2 pdf

Due Monday April  25th
Chapter 14 Section #3     Sec #3 pdf

Due Tuesday April  27th
Chapter 14 Section #4 

Due Thursday April  29th

Chapter 14 Section #5 

Sectional Quizzes -  QUIZ #1   QUIZ #2      QUIZ #3    QUIZ #4  QUIZ #5

Chapter 14 Sectional Presentation

The Sectional Summaries are to be used as resources to assist with understanding the material

Chapter 14 Test -Thursday Apr 28th