Monday, February 1, 2016

Tuesday Feb 2nd Day 14


Students will be able to describe the rise of industrial economies and their link to imperialism and colonization ( e.g. the role played by national security and strategic advantage: moral issues raised by search for natural hegemony, Social Darwinism, and the missionary impulse; material issues such as land, resources, and technology)

The social and economic changes that affected the rest of the undeveloped world had their roots in many different motives. Students should be able to look at the various "reasons" and articulate their support of or disdain for,  each reason.

Being able to argue for (either) the benefits of Imperialism on the host country vs the benefits for the colonizing country will provide evidence that students are looking at issues from both sides.

Essential Question - Is resistance futile??

Journal Entry - What is the best (most effective in your opinion) form of resistance?
Stopping traffic
Rally (peaceful )
Shaming (exposing through social media)
Use of Violence (on people)
Destruction of property
Breaking the law in front of the authorities to get arrested

Scramble for Africa

This is the assignment sheet used on day 1. It has all the resource maps as well as issues you should have considered when selecting your areas to colonize 
Finish Berlin Conference Activity - Berlin Conf Activity
Look at the final mapping outcome and compare against actual decisions from the conference.

Pro and Con of Imperialism
When Creating your request, you needed to justify your reasoning with examples from the pro/con chart....did you?? Pro/Con

All groups should have submitted a request form to google classroom....did you?
Berlin Conference Request Form- ( here )

These are the finalized maps each group decided on, how does your map compare to the other side of the room, and how did you do in acquiring land vs your counterpart on the other side of the room?
Maps - ( here )

Summary article about the results of the meeting 
Scramble for Africa Summary - ( here )

After the project is finished, please answer these questions 
Post Activity reflection questions- Reflection of Activity (answer these questions when Maps are finished)

After the project is finished, please answer these questions... How did the Africans react to the outcome of the Berlin Conference ?
The colonization of Africa didn't involve any Africans  (at the Berlin Conference) but the move was met with resistance. Read and summarize this article (summary table at the end)
This article will be a foundation for a question on the test

Short video with questions about Imperialism 
Imperialism Video and Questions - Here is the video


Africa wasn't the only area of Imperialism, India had its own issues to deal with. The pdf presentation below will provide some overview of their situation.Imperialism India -Presentation (pdf to be viewed outside of class for the test)

Quizzes for Chapter 9

Chapter 9 quizzes - Sec #1
Chapter 9 Quizzes - Sec #2
Chapter 9 quizzes - Sec #3
Chapter 9 Quizzes - Sec #4
Chapter 9 Quizzes - Sec #5


Quick summary of the reasons and effects - ( here )
Crash Course on Imperialism (overview including non-european countries) - ( here)