Monday, February 1, 2016

Monday Feb 1st Day 13


Students will be able to describe the rise of industrial economies and their link to imperialism and colonization ( e.g. the role played by national security and strategic advantage: moral issues raised by search for natural hegemony, Social Darwinism, and the missionary impulse; material issues such as land, resources, and technology)

The social and economic changes that affected the rest of the undeveloped world had their roots in many different motives. Students should be able to look at the various "reasons" and articulate their support of or disdain for,  each reason.

Being able to argue for (either) the benefits of Imperialism on the host country vs the benefits for the colonizing country will provide evidence that students are looking at issues from both sides.

Essential Question - Is Social Darwinism applicable to negotiating?

Journal Entry - Alliances and backroom deals are a normal part of negotiating. At what point would you switch alliances for your personal advantage? For instance, at what point do you look out for #1 vs being fair to all other people? Scenario: a group of students are creating a study group in preparation for the SAT exam. These students are traditionally solid students who perform well on tests, but none of them are friends of yours. Your group of friends do not do as well on tests. An opportunity arrives for you to join the "high powered" students to prepare for the SAT. Your participation will increase your chances of getting into your dream school by 75%, but will also cost you your friendship with your other friends. You have 2 months of school left, during which time you will be studying, then its graduation and off to college. What would you do?

Imperialism India -Presentation (pdf to be viewed outside of class for the test)
Berlin Conference Activity - Berlin Conf Activity

Post Activity history Summary - Summary of Africa (answer these questions when Maps are finished)

Imperialism Video and Questions - Here is the video
Questions for Video