Monday, August 24, 2015

Tuesday Aug 25th Day 9

Students relate the moral and ethical principles in ancient Greek and Roman philosophy, in Judaism, and in Christianity to the development of Western political thought.
  1. Analyze the similarities and differences in Judeo-Christian and Greco-Roman views of law, reason and faith, and duties of the individual.
  1. Trace the development of the Western political ideas of the rule of law and illegitimacy of tyranny, using selections from Plato's Republic and Aristotle's Politics.

Objective: Given the Roman 12 Tables, which was their first attempt to create a Code of Laws, students will be able to decipher the purpose and meaning of each table and connect it to a modern day laws we use in the United States.

Given a historical presentation covering the foundation of the Roman government, students will be able to associate the initial concepts with current policies and practices of the US government.

Rationale: Each student should be able to articulate where the current governmental practices originated from and the events or beliefs systems that influenced those ideals.

Evidence: By deciphering and comparing the 12 Tables to current laws, students will demonstrate evidence that they understand where current laws were established

Today's Essential Question: What role do the 12 tables play in establishing a code of law that was influential for many western civilizations current legal system

Journal Topic: 14th Amendment - rights of a natural born person to receive citizenship. Should the government consider altering this amendment to make citizenship based on different criteria? Defend your vote for or against this concept.

Here is the clause: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

We need to finish the Roman Gov't presentation - ( pdf version)
We need to watch the Roman Government Structure Video (Video here) - Questions to answer on the video ( here )
We need to start the 12 tables activity (you will work in pairs to decipher the tables, similar to the Pericles speech - re-write the table in current english) and you can answer the worksheet in pairs as well.

Place the answers to the 12 tables re-write, and 12 tables worksheet on the same doc you answered the Establishing of Rome (Romulus and Remus)  Video questions.
12 Tables ( tables here)
12 Tables worksheet - (12 tables worksheet )

Chapter 1 Section 4 by Today, Section 5 by Thursday/Or by start of class Tuesday. Chapter 1 test will be on Tuesday Sept 1st. My goal is to play Kahoot the fist part of the period, and test the 2nd half.