Thursday, August 27, 2015

Thursday Aug 27th Day 11

  • 10.2.2. Performance Standard:

    List the principles of the Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights (1689), the American Declaration of Independence (1776), the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen (1789), and the U.S. Bill of Rights (1791).
Objective: Given an historical presentation on the influencial events in developing democracy in England, students will be able to trace important events and the documents they produced  which provided for the increase power of Parliment and the reduced power of the Monarchy.

Rationale: Each student should be able to articulate the foundational events and documents which were the buildingblocks for our current Bill of Rights and Constitution

Evidence: By listing and explaining historial events, students will demonstrate their understanding tha the American Bill of Rights was heavily influenced by previous events. 


Today's Essential Question: How did Parliament emerge victorious in the struggle for political power in medieval England?


Journal Topic: "It is important to have grievences tried in court and have the case heard by a jury of your peers" Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain your reasoning.

We will begin by taking notes of the presentation covering the development of Democracy in England. Development of Democracy

Magna Carta Video - Magna Carta

Before watching the Common Law video, be ready to answer these questions:

1. Equity is a system based on...
2. (T/F) An injunction is a court order that a part must or must not do something?
3. What is the ultimate domestic source of English law

Here is the videoEnglish Common Law

Once this presentation is finished, students will begin the review of the chapter in preparation for ther test on chapter 1. 

Chapter Quizzes - Chapter 4,   Chapter 5   
Using your chromebook, go to Textbook resource (enter webcode mza-0155)

Page 50 Chapter Focus Question - What are the main historical sources of the democratic traition? Can you list and explain the role each played in the development?

"To rule well a king requires two things, arms and laws, that by them both times of war and of peace may righly be ordered. For each stands in need of the other, that the achievment of arms be conserved (by the law), and the laws themselves preserved by the support of arms. If arms fail against hostile and unsubdued enemies, then the realm be without defense; if laws fail, justice will be extirpated; nor will there be any man to render just judgment"
                                                                                       Bracton, On the Laws and Customs of England

Magna Carta
Magna Carta
"No freeman shall be taken, imprisoned, disseised, outlawed, banished, or in any way destroyed, nor will We proceed against or prosecute him, except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land." 

"To no one will We sell, to no one will We deny or delay, right or justice."