Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Tuesday Aug 18th Day 5
Objective: Given a textbook covering the Greeks, Romans, Judaism and Christianity, students will be able to accurately outline the chapter using a template guide, and be able to explain how democracy developed in the Greek city-state of Athens and how the Greek philosophers viewed reason, democracy, tyranny, and rule of law.
Rationale: Each student should be able to articulate where the current govenmental practices originated from and the events or beliefs systems that influenced those ideals.
Evidence: By answering the chapter template accurately, students will demonstrate a basic understanding of events which created the modern day version of democracy western civilized countries practice.
Journal write: What does democracy mean to you? Would you be willing to fight/die for it? Why have others done so in the past?
We will start today by going over the Chapter Template Outline - (Template Here )
Once we have covered the requirements of the chapter template, we will start with the basic intro presentation to the Greeks - ( Presentation )
After the fist part of the presentation, we will look at the Speeches by Pericles and answer the questions using a Google Drive Doc, and submitting the answers to a google classroom folder.
If there is time remaining, students will begin outlining chapter 1 using their Chapter Template.
Pericles Speeches - Click Here (when you finish, make sure you submit your answers into the Google Classroom folder before Midnight tonight)