Monday, January 28, 2019

Monday Jan 28th Day 9


Due this week - 
Chapter 9 Section #2 (tonight)
Social Darwinism Article Questions

Chapter 9 Section #3 (Wednesday)

Due Next week - 

Chapter 9 Section #4 (Sunday )
Chapter 9 Section #5 (Monday Night)

Chapter 9 Test scheduled for Tuesday, Feb 5th

Students will be able to describe the rise of industrial economies and their link to imperialism and colonization ( e.g. the role played by national security and strategic advantage: moral issues raised by search for natural hegemony, Social Darwinism, and the missionary impulse; material issues such as land, resources, and technology)

The social and economic changes that affected the rest of the undeveloped world had their roots in many different motives. Students should be able to look at the various "reasons" and articulate their support of or disdain for,  each reason.

Being able to argue for (either) the benefits of Imperialism on the host country vs the benefits for the colonizing country will provide evidence that students are looking at issues from both sides.
Essential Question - Does the Turtle support the claim of endurance  and perseverance always winning out??

Journal Entry - No Journal so you have some time on section #2 Outline for tonight

Danger of a single story (video of African woman and the influences and lasting impacts  of Imperialism )

Social Darwinism and Imperialism
This is an assignment that will help understand the mindset of the Europeans at this time - Social Darwinism