Monday, January 14, 2019

Monday Jan 14th Day 3


Social and Economic reform in Britain - students have learned about political reforms in Britain in the early 1800's, in today's lesson, students will be able to list and evaluate the country's social and economic reforms, including the abolition movement and labor unions.

The social and economic changes that began in the England had ripple effects all across the world when addressing traditional social and economic standards, students should understand the conditions which led to these movements creation.

Being able to identify and explain the role of suffrage and labor unions within society will demonstrate a understanding of why these movements had such a lasting impact.


Essential Question - Is Capital Punishment a deterrent?

Today's Agenda - 

PART 1 - 

Journal Entry( from Thursday) - In the 1800's shoplifting, sheep stealing and impersonating an army officer were punishable by death, is that ok?

Death Penalty - please list the types of crimes you feel would merit the death penalty, and how you would go about administering the death penalty, OR, provide an alternative to the death penalty if you do not believe in capital punishment. What would your punishment be for Dylann Roof (the guy who shot and killed 9 people in a church in South Carolina) or Nicholas Cruz (the guy who shot-up Parkland H.S. in Florida)

Part 2 - Go to the Death Penality Pro Con site and select the "best argument" for or against the Death Penality, be ready to argue why you're right!

Death Penalty Pro Con