Friday, October 27, 2017

Friday Oct 27th Day 32

Introduction to Industrial Revolution
Presentation - Intro Indus and Agricultural Revo

Assignments due Friday Oct 27th 

Chapter 5 Section #2 
Video Questions on Cornelius Vanderbilt--

Assignments due Monday Oct 30th

Video Questions on Cornelius Vanderbilt (part 2), Chapter 5 Section #3 will be worked on in class, I will be absent on Monday -

Unit 4 Standards (Industrial Revolution)
Chapters 5 & 6

10.3 Students analyze the effects of the Industrial Revolution in EnglandFranceGermanyJapan, and the United States.

  1. Analyze why England was the first country to industrialize. 
  2. Examine how scientific and technological changes and new forms of energy brought about massive social, economic, and cultural change (e.g., the inventions and discoveries of James Watt, Eli Whitney, Henry Bessemer, Louis Pasteur, Thomas Edison).
  3. Describe the growth of population, rural to urban migration, and growth of cities associated with the Industrial Revolution. 
  4. Trace the evolution of work and labor, including the demise of the slave trade and the effects of immigration, mining and manufacturing, division of labor, and the union movement. 
  5. Understand the connections among natural resources, entrepreneurship, labor, and capital in an industrial economy. 
  6. Analyze the emergence of capitalism as a dominant economic pattern and the responses to it, including Utopianism, Social Democracy, Socialism, and Communism. 
  7. Describe the emergence of Romanticism in art and literature (e.g., the poetry of William Blake and William Wordsworth), social criticism (e.g., the novels of Charles Dickens), and the move away from Classicism in Europe


After studying this chapter students should be able to:
1. Understand the causes of the Industrial Revolution in England, Europe, and the United States.
2. Be able to describe the technological innovations that spurred industrialization.
3. Be able to describe the social, economic, and environmental impact of the Industrial Revolution and to make connections between the impact of the Industrial Revolution and the ideological and political responses.
4. Understand the relationship between the industrialized world and the non-industrialized world as demonstrated in the cases of Russia, Egypt, and India.

The Industrial Revolution was the biggest social turning point in history, transforming the very way people lived their lives. Identifying the various social, political, and economic changes of the times is essential in understanding the period and the effects it had on the world.
Being able to identify and explain the effects of the Industrial Revolution on the living experience of people all of over the world will assist in understanding the different paths societies took as they developed.

Change in the way work is done

Essential question - do machines replace human labor or enhance the ability for human labor to increase production?

Journal Entry - What was the Enclosure Movement, and what impact did it have on the common person/farmer? 


Assignments - 

For next week...

Intro Article and Questions on Industrial Revolution - ( here )
The First Important Inventions - ( here )
The Textile Industry - ( here )
Coal and Coal Mining - ( here )
Child Labor Abuses - ( here )

EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY - Build a 20 X 30 Infographic of this Info - ( here )
OR build the same poster on one of the Men Who Built America....such as 

Part 2 of the work assigned in this chapter - Watch and reflect on the History Channel's 
Men Who Built America


Here is a short intro video on Rockefeller and the building of Standard OiJohn D. Rockefeller

Questions to be answered - (by Monday)
Part 2 for this weekend - Here is the video on Standard Oil  
The questions listed below should be answered while watching the Standard Oil video

Episode 2: Oil Strike Vanderbilt expands his enterprises, realizing that oil is the nation’s next crucial commodity. The demand for oil is high and Vanderbilt knows that it will be an important item for his trains to transport. He turns to a young oilman from California named John D. Rockefeller to make a deal that will work for both businessmen, but rivalries emerge between them. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil has become one of the nation’s first monopolies. A financial panic in 1873 shows that the American economy is on shaky ground even as it expands. 


Questions to answer 
1. What does it mean to “beat the odds,” and how is John Rockefeller an example of this concept? 
2. What is refining oil, and why was it so important when oil first became a popular commodity? 
3. Standard Oil was one of the nation’s first monopolies. What is a monopoly? Why do you think leaders like Rockefeller wanted to shut out competition? 
4. What was the Panic of 1873?
