Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Tuesday Sept 6th Day 9


Vocabulary Practice Test (take this quick little practice vocab exam in preparation for the test)
After this quick test, we will play Kahoot, then you will take the Chapter 1 Exam.

I will be gone on Thursday, so here is your schedule for that day...


Chapter 2 Enlightenment and American Revolution

Given an historical presentation on the various philosophes of the 1700's, students will be able to identify, explain and evaluate the various points of view as to the nature of man.

The study of early philosophes can help students to understand the philosophical underpinnings of the world in which we live today. More specifically, the study of political philosophers, such as Locke, Hobbes, Montesquieu and Voltaire, can help students to understand the specific ramifications a political philosophy can have on the rights they are granted as citizens.

By listing and explaining specific beliefs to specific philosophes, students will demonstrate a basic understanding of where current rights of citizens and limitations of government got their start.


Today's Essential Question: 
What is a better form of government? A single all powerful ruler that ensures order by the people giving up their individual rights, OR a representative government to ensure the people's rights and liberties are protected?


Journal Topic: In your journal answer the following question...
Which of the following statements do you most agree with and why?
1. Freedom of speech should always be protected
2. Freedom of speech should be restricted during war time
3. Freedom of speech should be restricted if it harms someone
4. Freedom of speech should be restricted if it endangers someone's life.


Your assignment for today (Thursday Sept 8th) is to work on your Chapter 2 Sections 1 & 2 outlines. These 2 outlines should be uploaded to the Google Classroom folder by Midnight Thursday. Monday Sept 12th we will be working on a Bill of Rights Activity, which will continue on Tuesday, with the Chapter 2 Test scheduled for Thursday 15th of Sept