Sunday, September 25, 2016

Monday Sept 26th day 17

Standard 10.2.1 

Compare the major ideas of philosophers & their effects on the democratic revolutions in England, the U.S., France, & Latin America (e.g., John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, Charles-Louis Montesquieu, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau.


Given a list of vocabulary words and a fully functioning chromebooks, students will be able to successfully identify the answers to a superteachertools vocabulary game within 5 mins, as well as successfully play a game of Kahoot as a preview of their test.

Practicing vocabulary before a test is an effective way of testing a students understanding of the material before the actual test occurs

By answerng the vocabulary and Kahoot questions, students will discover how prepared they are or the test

Journal Entry: The Right to Privacy has been a popular subject ever since social media has made every action a person takes available for videotaping, recording, pictures taken, etc.
England has CCTV (essentially cameras everywhere)
read this short article and write about what you thnk. - Snap Chat glasses
Once the journal entry is finished, complete the American Revolution Scavenger Hunt below

American Revolution Scavenger Hunt -  American Revolution Scavenger Hunt