Thursday, October 29, 2015

Thursday Oct 29th Day 46

CA.10.2. Content Standard: World History, Culture, and Geography

Students compare and contrast the Glorious Revolution of England, the American Revolution, and the French Revolution and their enduring effects worldwide on the political expectations for self-government and individual liberty.

10.2.4. Performance Standard:

Explain how the ideology of the French Revolution led France to develop from constitutional monarchy to democratic despotism to the Napoleonic empire.

10.2.5. Performance Standard:

Discuss how nationalism spread across Europe with Napoleon but was repressed for a generation under the Congress of Vienna and Concert of Europe until the Revolutions of 1848.


Given an historical background on the social and political atmosphere in France in the 1700's, students will be able to recognize the causes and influences of the French Revolution,  develop an awareness of the pivotal characters involved in the conflict, and list the results of the conflict and its impact on world history

The French Revolution is well known as being one of if not the most influential Revolutions to have ever happen. People rising up over a social system as well as a religious and military system that was in place to support it, remains the standard for revolutions that changed the way the world viewed government, rights and freedoms of citizens.

Being able to identify and connect various events, the value system that spawned them, and the effect they had on not just France but the rest of the world will allow students to see modern day revolutions from a perspective of knowledge when  comparisons arise.

Today's Essential Question: 

File photo: Newborn babies lie on a hospital bed in Beijing, 1 December 2008

Should there be a restriction/limit on the number of babies a family can have?


Journal Topic: China announced it was going to end it one-child policy for fear of a greyish populace.
 Video link - ( here )

China has decided to end its decades-long one-child policy, the state-run Xinhua news agency reports.
Couples will now be allowed to have two children, it said, citing a statement from the Communist Party. The controversial policy was introduced nationally in 1979, to slow the population growth rate. It is estimated to have prevented about 400 million births. However concerns at China's ageing population led to pressure for change. Couples who violated the one-child policy faced a variety of punishments, from fines and the loss of employment to forced abortions. Over time, the policy has been relaxed in some provinces, as demographers and sociologists raised concerns about rising social costs and falling worker numbers.The Communist Party began formally relaxing national rules two years ago, allowing couples in which at least one of the pair is an only child to have a second child.

Write the policy for who can have a child and how many they can have....with the critical reality of economic collapse if the current birth rate continues.


Today's Schedule

Latin America Revolutions ppt - ( here )

Chapter 4 sec #1 - ( here )
Chapter 4 sec #2 - ( here )
Chapter 4 sec #3 - ( here )
Chapter 4 Primary Source wksht - ( here )

Be ready to get your Sec #3 stamped today (by the end of the period is not already done)
