Monday, September 14, 2015

Monday Sept 14th Day 23

Standard 10.2.1 

Compare the major ideas of philosophers & their effects on the democratic revolutions in England, the U.S., France, & Latin America (e.g., John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, Charles-Louis Montesquieu, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau.


Given a list of vocabulary words and a fully functioning chromebooks, students will be able to successfully identify the answers to a superteachertools vocabulary game within 5 mins, as well as successfully play a game of Kahoot as a preview of their test.

Practicing vocabulary before a test is an effective way of testing a students understanding of the material before the actual test occurs

By answerng the vocabulary and Kahoot questions, students will discover how prepared they are or the test
Journal Entry: Is capital punishment an effective form of accountability for certain crimes? If so, what types of crimes would qualify for capital punishment, and what form of capital punishment is the "best?" 

If capital punishment is not an effective form of accoutability for crimes, what is? 

What about crimes committed by non-citizens, how do we handle that issue? Deport, or prosecute and pay for their incarceration here? Do they get the same rights as citizens or are they treated differently becasue they are not citizens? 

Do citizens who take action agaisnt the USA in warfare lose their citizenship? if captured, do they get capital punishment?

( vocab game )

( Kahoot Game )