Monday, May 4, 2020

Monday May 4th (Day 44)

CHAPTER 15 The Cold War

Chapter 15 Quiz #1(Quiz) (Google Classroom)


Essential people switch political sides?

Journal - What was the Cuban Missile Crisis

We will lay the foundation for many of the events that occurred throughout the US/World during the time period after WWII
Presentation Chart (use this during the presentation)

The presentation is rather large, with many events, Monday (today) would be going through the presentation and taking the quiz on Section #1

For Tuesday in class...(docs posted in Google Classroom)
Cuban Missle Crisis Activity
Primary Document A
Primary Document B
Primary Document C
Primary Document Question Sheet

Chapter 15 Section #2 Outline, 
Section #2 Industrialized Democracies )posted in Google Classroom)

Chapter 15 TEST - TBA