Monday, December 10, 2018

Monday Dec 10th Day 47

Chapter 7

Section #3 & #4 Quiz
-After studying this chapter students should be able to:
Compare and contrast the Glorious Revolution of England, the American Revolution, and the French Revolution and their enduring effects worldwide on the political expectations for self-government and individual liberty.
-Discuss how Nationalism spread across Europe with Napoleon but was repressed for a generation under the Congress of Vienna and the Concert of Europe until the Revolutions of 1848

The movement from King/Queen loyalty to country loyalty occurred as a result of Napoleon showing the people that a common person can rise through the ranks and have people be loyal to a country and not just a person. This changed the way people felt about governments role in controlling their lives/rights/actions/freedoms

Being able to identify and explain the effects of this change through Nationalistic outcomes for each country and what those outcomes led to, such as expansion of a country's influence including imperialism.

My Country is the Best!

Essential question Does Nationalism always end with negative consequences

Timeline for the Semester will be due Tuesday Dec 11th.

Remaining Assignments:
Women in History Biography - (35pts)
Chapter 7 Sectional outlines (1-4) - (20 pts)
Chapter 7 Sectional quizzes (1-4) - (42 points)
Semester Journals - (25 pts)
Semester Timeline (40 pts)

Total Points available prior to the FINAL - 1104
1104 - 988 = A
987 - 878 = B
877 - 767 = C
766 - 657 = D
Magic # = 1054