Thursday, October 25, 2018

Friday Oct 26th Day 29

For Friday Oct 26th

Unit 4 Standards (Industrial Revolution)
Chapters 5 & 6

No Journal, No Quiz...project time

For This weekend...

Chapter 5 Section #4 Due Monday Night ...CHAPTER 5 TEST - Tuesday Oct 30th

Men Who Built America
Answers to the questions for part 4 will be due  Sunday, Oct 28th

Questions to be answered - (by Sunday Night, Oct 28th )
Part 4 for this weekend - Blood is Spilled - episode video

Episode 4Carnegie hires Henry Frick to help him achieve his goal of dominating the steel industry and besting Rockefeller. The partnership seems promising, but Frick is pushing workers to a breaking point. Meanwhile, the Johnstown Flood of 1889 leaves 2,000 people dead, and Carnegie’s South Fork Fishing& Hunting Club faces blame. Worker unrest culminates in a massive strike at the Homestead Steel plant in 1892. Violence ensues when Frick calls in the Pinkerton security agency. The strike is a major turning point in American labor history, showing how workers would fight for fair wages and conditions when faced with injustice. Carnegie is determined to make up for these scars on his reputation.

Key terms to define

The questions listed below should be answered while watching part 4 About Carnegie
Discussion Questions
1. What caused the Johnstown Flood? What were some of the outcomes of this disaster? What role did the American Red Cross play?
2. Do you think Henry Frick was a good leader? Why or why not?
3. Why did workers strike at the Homestead Steel plant? Why was the strike an important turning point in American history?
4. Do you think Carnegie was responsible for the Johnstown Flood and the Homestead strike? Why or why not?