Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Day 40

CHAPTER 14 From Appeasement to War

students will be able to:
-Describe the issues faced by the Allies after World War II. 
-Summarize the organization of the United Nations
-Analyze how new conflicts developed among the former allies after World War II

The aftermath of World War I with its winners and losers sets the stage for totalitarians to raise among the rubble of defeated countries. 5 powerful men emerge from the social and political situation and transform the way government and power operate in a society. These separate developments led Europe back into War in 1938. Understanding how these actions were met with force and eventually ended in defeat for a social, military and philosophical standpoint, will assist students in understanding the development of the Cold War to follow.

Being ablet to list and describe actions that led to war, changed the tide during the war, and eventually ended World War II.


Journal Entry (for tonight) - Section #5. - (A) What is a Cold War, and why did it develop between the USA and the USSR? (B) -Explain the purpose/goal of the Marshall Plan

Due Thursday, April  26th

Chapter 14 Sectional Presentation

Chapter 14 TEST - Friday, Apr 27th

Assignments within this Unit

TitleDue Dates
            Ch 14 Sec #1 Outline and  Sec #1 pdf
                 Due Monday Night Apr 16th                        
Ch 14 Sec #2 Outline and  Sec #2 pdfDue Tuesday Night Apr 17th
Ch 14 Sec #3 Outline and   Sec #3 pdfDue Thursday Night Apr 19th
Ch 14 Sec #4 Outline Due Monday Night Apr 23rd
Ch 14 Sec #5 Outline Due Wednesday Night Apr 25th
Appeasement Section: 
Directions and Docs
Guiding Questions A and B Due Friday Night Apr 20th
Guiding Questions C, D, & E Due Friday Night Apr 20th
Hypothesis Page Due Friday Night Apr 20th
Appeasement Cartoon Due Friday Night Apr 20th
Munich Agreement Section:
Munich Pact Agreement (and questions)Due Sunday Night Apr 22nd
Neutrality Act Section:
USA Neutrality Acts AssignmentDue Sunday Night Apr 22nd
Causes Section
Causes WWII DBQ Primary SourcesDue Tuesday Night Apr 25th
WWII DBQ QuestionsDue Tuesday Night Apr 25th
Summary Wksht (very good review for the test)Due Thursday Night Apr 26th