Monday, April 30, 2018

Day 43

CHAPTER 15 The Cold War

students will be able to:
-Understand how two sides faced off in Europe during the Cold War. 
■ Learn how nuclear weapons threatened the world. 
■ Understand how the Cold War spread globally. 
■ Compare and contrast the Soviet Union and the United States in the Cold War.

The aftermath of World War II with its winners and losers sets the stage for each country to reassess its role in the world, and plan a new strategy of non-aggressive engagement with each other. s "Cold War" develops with some of the big players (USA and Russia) jockeying for political clout throughout the world as they oppose each other's intentions behind the scenes. Understanding what a "Cold War" is and the impact that it had throughout the world will give students a better understanding of how war can be fought outside the traditional battlefield

Being able to list the various policies and actions taken by certain countries and the response to those actions will demonstrate that students can track the various players and events that occurred in the time between WWI and the Outbreak of the Korean Conflict


Essential people switch political sides?

To Drop or Not to Drop.....two videos. - 
Nazi Program inspiration...

How the South was converted from Democrat to Republican

Old vs Today - read the article and provide your reaction to this "new" information. Does it align with your thoughts regarding Demo's and Repub's today

Wednesday- Start Cold War (Chapter 15)

Chapter 15 TEST - Friday May 18th

Assignments within this Unit

TitleDue Dates

Week of Apr30-May4th
            Ch 15 Sec #1 Outline 
                 Due Tuesday Night Apr 30th                        
Ch 15 Sec #2 Outline Due Thursday Night May 3rd
Ch 15 Sec #3 Outline Due Monday Night May 7th
Ch 15 Sec #4 Outline Due Sunday Night May 13th
Ch 15 Sec #5 Outline Due Wednesday Night May 16th
The Cold War Starts DBQDue Wednesday, May 3rd
Chapter 15 Section #1 (wksht) - Cold War UnfoldsDue Wednesday Night May 3rd  
TitleWeek of May7th-May11th
Cuban Missile Crisis Activity (13 Days)Due Monday Night May 7th
Cuban Missile Crisis DOC A-C QuestionsDue Monday Night May 7th
Letter from a Birmingham Jail LetterDue Wednesday Night May 9th
Section #3 Communism Spreads in East AsiaDue Friday Night May 11th
TitleWeek of May13th-May18th
Section #4 War in SE AsiaDue Monday Night May 13th
Section #5 End of Cold WarDue Wednesday Night May 16th

Additional pdf's
The Cold War ViewpointsTBA
Mikhail Gorbachev BiographyTBA

Friday, April 27, 2018

Day 41

CHAPTER 14 From Appeasement to War

students will be able to:
-Describe the issues faced by the Allies after World War II. 
-Summarize the organization of the United Nations
-Analyze how new conflicts developed among the former allies after World War II

The aftermath of World War I with its winners and losers sets the stage for totalitarians to raise among the rubble of defeated countries. 5 powerful men emerge from the social and political situation and transform the way government and power operate in a society. These separate developments led Europe back into War in 1938. Understanding how these actions were met with force and eventually ended in defeat for a social, military and philosophical standpoint, will assist students in understanding the development of the Cold War to follow.

Being ablet to list and describe actions that led to war, changed the tide during the war, and eventually ended World War II.


Chapter 14 TEST - Friday, Apr 27th

Assignments within this Unit

TitleDue Dates
            Ch 14 Sec #1 Outline and  Sec #1 pdf
                 Due Monday Night Apr 16th                        
Ch 14 Sec #2 Outline and  Sec #2 pdfDue Tuesday Night Apr 17th
Ch 14 Sec #3 Outline and   Sec #3 pdfDue Thursday Night Apr 19th
Ch 14 Sec #4 Outline Due Monday Night Apr 23rd
Ch 14 Sec #5 Outline Due Wednesday Night Apr 25th
Appeasement Section: 
Directions and Docs
Guiding Questions A and B Due Friday Night Apr 20th
Guiding Questions C, D, & E Due Friday Night Apr 20th
Hypothesis Page Due Friday Night Apr 20th
Appeasement Cartoon Due Friday Night Apr 20th
Munich Agreement Section:
Munich Pact Agreement (and questions)Due Sunday Night Apr 22nd
Neutrality Act Section:
USA Neutrality Acts AssignmentDue Sunday Night Apr 22nd
Causes Section
Causes WWII DBQ Primary SourcesDue Tuesday Night Apr 25th
WWII DBQ QuestionsDue Tuesday Night Apr 25th
Summary Wksht (very good review for the test)Due Thursday Night Apr 26th

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Day 40

CHAPTER 14 From Appeasement to War

students will be able to:
-Describe the issues faced by the Allies after World War II. 
-Summarize the organization of the United Nations
-Analyze how new conflicts developed among the former allies after World War II

The aftermath of World War I with its winners and losers sets the stage for totalitarians to raise among the rubble of defeated countries. 5 powerful men emerge from the social and political situation and transform the way government and power operate in a society. These separate developments led Europe back into War in 1938. Understanding how these actions were met with force and eventually ended in defeat for a social, military and philosophical standpoint, will assist students in understanding the development of the Cold War to follow.

Being ablet to list and describe actions that led to war, changed the tide during the war, and eventually ended World War II.


Journal Entry (for tonight) - Section #5. - (A) What is a Cold War, and why did it develop between the USA and the USSR? (B) -Explain the purpose/goal of the Marshall Plan

Due Thursday, April  26th

Chapter 14 Sectional Presentation

Chapter 14 TEST - Friday, Apr 27th

Assignments within this Unit

TitleDue Dates
            Ch 14 Sec #1 Outline and  Sec #1 pdf
                 Due Monday Night Apr 16th                        
Ch 14 Sec #2 Outline and  Sec #2 pdfDue Tuesday Night Apr 17th
Ch 14 Sec #3 Outline and   Sec #3 pdfDue Thursday Night Apr 19th
Ch 14 Sec #4 Outline Due Monday Night Apr 23rd
Ch 14 Sec #5 Outline Due Wednesday Night Apr 25th
Appeasement Section: 
Directions and Docs
Guiding Questions A and B Due Friday Night Apr 20th
Guiding Questions C, D, & E Due Friday Night Apr 20th
Hypothesis Page Due Friday Night Apr 20th
Appeasement Cartoon Due Friday Night Apr 20th
Munich Agreement Section:
Munich Pact Agreement (and questions)Due Sunday Night Apr 22nd
Neutrality Act Section:
USA Neutrality Acts AssignmentDue Sunday Night Apr 22nd
Causes Section
Causes WWII DBQ Primary SourcesDue Tuesday Night Apr 25th
WWII DBQ QuestionsDue Tuesday Night Apr 25th
Summary Wksht (very good review for the test)Due Thursday Night Apr 26th

Monday, April 23, 2018

Day 39

CHAPTER 14 From Appeasement to War

students will be able to:
-Describe the reasons for the final defeat of the Nazis
-Summarize how the Allies began to push back the Japanese in the Pacific
-Explain the American strategy for ending the war against Japan and the consequences of that strategy

The aftermath of World War I with its winners and losers sets the stage for totalitarians to raise among the rubble of defeated countries. 5 powerful men emerge from the social and political situation and transform the way government and power operate in a society. These separate developments continue to grow in power and influence and each begins to stake its claim to regain the losses of WWI. These actions set the stage for WWII

Being able to list the various policies and actions taken by certain countries and the response to those actions will demonstrate that students can track the various precursors to WWII
Image result for japan surrender wwii

Japanese representatives arrive aboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay to participate in formal surrender ceremonies

Journal Entry (for tonight) - Section #4. (A)What was the Manhattan Project (B) Why were 2 bombs dropped on Japan? (what was the specific reason mentioned by Truman)

Chapter 14 Sectional Presentation

Chapter 14 TEST - Friday, Apr 27th

Assignments within this Unit

TitleDue Dates
            Ch 14 Sec #1 Outline and  Sec #1 pdf
                 Due Monday Night Apr 16th                        
Ch 14 Sec #2 Outline and  Sec #2 pdfDue Tuesday Night Apr 17th
Ch 14 Sec #3 Outline and   Sec #3 pdfDue Thursday Night Apr 19th
Ch 14 Sec #4 Outline Due Monday Night Apr 23rd
Ch 14 Sec #5 Outline Due Wednesday Night Apr 25th
Appeasement Section: 
Directions and Docs
Guiding Questions A and B Due Friday Night Apr 20th
Guiding Questions C, D, & E Due Friday Night Apr 20th
Hypothesis Page Due Friday Night Apr 20th
Appeasement Cartoon Due Friday Night Apr 20th
Munich Agreement Section:
Munich Pact Agreement (and questions)Due Sunday Night Apr 22nd
Neutrality Act Section:
USA Neutrality Acts AssignmentDue Sunday Night Apr 22nd
Causes Section
Causes WWII DBQ Primary SourcesDue Tuesday Night Apr 25th
WWII DBQ QuestionsDue Tuesday Night Apr 25th
Summary Wksht (very good review for the test)Due Thursday Night Apr 26th

Friday, April 20, 2018

Day 38

CHAPTER 14 From Appeasement to War

students will be able to:
-Analyze the threat to world peace posed by dictators in the 1930's and how the Western democracies responded.
-Describe how the Spanish Civil War was a “dress rehearsal” for World War II. 
-Summarize the ways in which continuing Nazi aggression led Europe to war.

The aftermath of World War I with its winners and losers sets the stage for totalitarians to raise among the rubble of defeated countries. 5 powerful men emerge from the social and political situation and transform the way government and power operate in a society. These separate developments continue to grow in power and influence and each begins to stake its claim to regain the losses of WWI. These actions set the stage for WWII

Being able to list the various policies and actions taken by certain countries and the response to those actions will demonstrate that students can track the various precursors to WWII

Journal Entry - Section #3. (A) What was “Rosie the Riveter?” (B) What was agreed to at the Yalta Conference

Section #3 Quiz - (link available in class)


Finish the Appeasement/Early Aggression/Start of WWII presentation

Once the presentation is finished, you can continue to work on Section Review Outlines and pdf's
USA Neutrality Acts Assignment (due Sunday Night)

Assignments within this Unit

Title Due Dates
                    Ch 14 Sec #1 Outline and  Sec #1 pdf                  Due Monday Night Apr 16th                        
Ch 14 Sec #2 Outline and  Sec #2 pdf Due Tuesday Night Apr 17th
Ch 14 Sec #3 Outline and   Sec #3 pdf Due Thursday Night Apr 19th
Ch 14 Sec #4 Outline  Due Monday Night Apr 23rd
Ch 14 Sec #5 Outline  Due Wednesday Night Apr 25th
Appeasement Section: 
Directions and Docs
Guiding Questions A and B  Due Friday Night Apr 20th
Guiding Questions C, D, & E  Due Friday Night Apr 20th
Hypothesis Page  Due Friday Night Apr 20th
Appeasement Cartoon  Due Friday Night Apr 20th
Munich Agreement Section:
Munich Pact Agreement (and questions) Due Sunday Night Apr 22nd
Neutrality Act Section:
USA Neutrality Acts Assignment Due Sunday Night Apr 22nd

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Day 35

CHAPTER 14 From Appeasement to War

students will be able to:
-Analyze the threat to world peace posed by dictators in the 1930's and how the Western democracies responded.
-Describe how the Spanish Civil War was a “dress rehearsal” for World War II. 
-Summarize the ways in which continuing Nazi aggression led Europe to war.

The aftermath of World War I with its winners and losers sets the stage for totalitarians to raise among the rubble of defeated countries. 5 powerful men emerge from the social and political situation and transform the way government and power operate in a society. These separate developments continue to grow in power and influence and each begins to stake its claim to regain the losses of WWI. These actions set the stage for WWII

Being able to list the various policies and actions taken by certain countries and the response to those actions will demonstrate that students can track the various precursors to WWII


Essential Question -Appeasement, what is it, does it ever work

Journal Entry: #2 - (A) What was the Miracle at Dunkirk, and what effect did it have on British morale?

(B) What was Hitler’s “New Order” who did he think was inferior and who was superior?

For after the presentation...(Due Friday Night)

Appeasement Section:
Directions and Docs

Guiding Questions A and B

Chapter Outlines Schedule

Assigned work

Due Dates 
Ch 14 Sec #1 Outline and  Sec #1 pdf
Due Monday Night Apr 16th 
Ch 14 Sec #2 Outline and  Sec #2 pdf
Due Tuesday Night Apr 17th
Ch 14 Sec #3 Outline and   Sec #3 pdf
Due Thursday Night Apr  19th

Ch 14 Sec #4 Outline 
Due Monday Night April  23rd
Ch 14 Sec #5 Outline
Due Wed Night April  25th

Chapter 14 Sectional Presentation

The Sectional Summaries are to be used as resources to assist with understanding the material

Chapter 14 Test -Friday Apr 27th