Thursday, March 24, 2016

Thursday March 24th Day 34

CHAPTER 12 Nationalism and Revolution around the World

Students will be able to describe the independence struggles of the colonized regions of the world, including the roles of leaders, such as Sun-Yat-sen in China, and the roles of ideology and religions. As well as describe the effects of the war and resulting peace treaties on population movement, the international, economy, and shifts in the geographic, and political borders of Europe and the Middle East.

The transition from World War I ending and the various reactions which occurred around the world is important to understanding as a means of setting-up the economical and political foundation which led to World WAR II

Being able to list the factors that the Treaty of Versailles placed on the German people as well as the German Economy, as well as the impact of World Wide depression of the 1920, will enable students to connect these events into understanding the reasons WWII occurred.


Essential Question -Equal Pay.

Here we go again...
Journal Entry -What factors lead children into gender roles and what does that mean for equality, opportunity, and expected behaviors that are deemed "normal."  Read the article below and be ready to comment on this...

Is it ok they way we raise girls and boys as long as there's no stigma attached  for "acting out of the norm".....OR.....should we acknowledge the way we currently raise kids and adjust to prevent the gender roles it creates to end the social effects (positive or negative)

The article addresses equal pay for women, but explains how society as a whole is responsible (in some way) for the current climate where women are paid lower.
Here is the article

Another great article today, the process of Artificial Intelligence (SIRI or Cortana) and how that tech can be corrupted pretty quick, which raises the question of AI being used for discriminatory reasons without a conscience of impact

Racist Artificial Intelligence

Thursday - Middle East ppt and Sykes-Picot Map

Middle East Post WW1 presentation - ( Middle East History)
Sykes-Picot Map 1916

Chapter Outlines Schedule

Section #5 Thursday March 24th  - Section #5

Chapter 12 Practice Quizzes

The Sectional Quizzes will be due/turned-in on Thursday the day of the test

Chapter 12 Sectional Presentation

The Sectional Summaries are to be used as resources to assist with understanding the material

Chapter 12 Test Test