Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Tuesday Jan 19th Day 7


Social and Economic reform in Britain - students have learned about political reforms in Britain in the early 1800's, in today's lesson, students will be able to list and evaluate the country's social and economic reforms, including the abolition movement and labor unions.

The social and economic changes that began in the England had ripple effects all across the world when addressing traditional social and economic standards, students should understand the conditions which led to these movements creation.

Being able to identify and explain the role of suffrage and labor unions within society will demonstrate a understanding of why these movements had such a lasting impact.

Essential Question - What issues are you willing to stand-up for?
Journal Entry - Abolition of Slavery in England in 1833, USA in 1865, Jim Crow Laws (separate but equal) Brown vs Board of Education (1954) (separate is inherently unequal),
Civil Rights Movement 1960, Black Lives Matter (today). 
What is the solution to root out racism when it can be hidden or be subtle or  can even be unconsciousness (person unknowingly doing it).
There has been legislation that has attempted to address this, but how to you ensure opportunity and equal treatment... blindly?

Oscar Snub - Here
Bay Bridge Shut Down

Chapter 8 Prep

Chapter 8 practice quizzes - 

Sec 1
Sec 2
Sec 3
Sec 4

Resources: Chapter 8 presentation -Chapter 8 
CHAPTER 8 TEST Thursday Jan 20th 