Thursday, January 14, 2016

Thursday Jan 14th Day 6


Social and Economic reform in Britain - students have learned about political reforms in Britain in the early 1800's, in today's lesson, students will be able to list and evaluate the country's social and economic reforms, including the abolition movement and labor unions.

The social and economic changes that began in the England had ripple effects all across the world when addressing traditional social and economic standards, students should understand the conditions which led to these movements creation.

Being able to identify and explain the role of suffrage and labor unions within society will demonstrate a understanding of why these movements had such a lasting impact.

Essential Question - Prove your innocence or they must prove your guilt?
Journal Entry - Slander/Libel/Defamation - How to balance slander/libel/defamation with Free speech. 
Step #1 - look-up the definition of these words to understand what they mean. 
Step #2 - watch the video, read the articles
Professor vid about slander - 
Article from UNC regarding free speech - Here

Step #3 - Answer the journal question...If a person is  accused of doing something (whether it's illegal or doing something in bad taste, where is the line that would make it a prosecutorial offense?  Where is the line that supports a person's freedom of speech to proclaim an opinion, and a person's right not to have their reputation tarnished without just compensation for it? 

Dreyfus Affair

One of the more impactful episodes in France was known as the Dreyfus Affair.  A Jewish soldier named Alfred Dreyfus was accused of giving military secrets to the Germans. His "trial" had him convicted of the crime and sent away to an island (Devil's Island) for punishment. It was an obvious railroading of an innocent man, but anti-semitism had been growing and he was an easy target. Emile Zola (famous writer) defended Dreyfus and was convicted of Libel and fled the country

Short presentation on Dreyfus - pdf version

Emile Zola letter about Dreyfus affair - (J'accuse ) I Accuse

Chapter 8 section #3 & #4 due today.

During the first 50 years in England from 1800-1850 many of the subjects addressing what "human rights" are were being challenged. Suffrage, crime and punishment (including what crimes merit capital punishment) slavery, ownership of property, working conditions, etc, were under scrutiny.
This was occurring at the same time society was instituting strict social behavior norms for its upper class members of society (The Downton Abby class)

There were several changes afoot during this time, this chart lists many of the changes which took place during this time Theme Activity Sheet, review the chart, and list what you feel is the "theme" of this era.
Here is the list of Themes that were under development at this time - Here
Your task will be to express what "theme" of this era was the most important. You will identify which change(s) you feel was the most impactful (even if at the time it was symbolic) to the future development of how society has evolved.
You will be given time in class Tuesday to develop your answer (as I will be out for a district training).
This will be expressed in a paragraph that lists 3 pieces of evidence that supports your opinion about why your "Theme" is correct.

 If you finish your answer, you should use the time to continue your outline as Sect #4 is due Thursday

Resources: Chapter 8 presentation -Chapter 8 
Textbook Chapter 8


Chapter 8 Quizzes in class Tuesday Jan 19th . Jeopardy or Kahoot will be played on Tuesday in preparation for the test on Thursday
CHAPTER 8 TEST Thursday Jan 20th 