Thursday, May 9, 2019

Thursday May 9th Day 48

CHAPTER 15 The Cold War

Chapter 15 Section #3
students will be able to:
-Understand how two sides faced off in Europe during the Cold War. 
■ Learn how nuclear weapons threatened the world. 
■ Understand how the Cold War spread globally. 
■ Compare and contrast the Soviet Union and the United States in the Cold War.

The aftermath of World War II with its winners and losers sets the stage for each country to reassess its role in the world, and plan a new strategy of non-aggressive engagement with each other. s "Cold War" develops with some of the big players (USA and Russia) jockeying for political clout throughout the world as they oppose each other's intentions behind the scenes. Understanding what a "Cold War" is and the impact that it had throughout the world will give students a better understanding of how war can be fought outside the traditional battlefield

Being able to list the various policies and actions taken by certain countries and the response to those actions will demonstrate that students can track the various players and events that occurred in the time between WWI and the Outbreak of the Korean Conflict


Essential people switch political sides?

Journal - #1 -Who led the group of Communists that defeated the Nationalists in the Chinese Civil War following WWI, and Who led the Nationalists? What was the main reason the Communists got more people to join their side?

#2 -What was the Great Leap Forward?...and what were the results?

Thursday- Presentation outlining events in China which led to the Communist Revolution, the rise of Mao Zedong, and Chaing Kai Shek

Cultural Revolution Presentation

Student Outline for China Revo presentation

Great Leap Forward Video Questions

For Sunday Night -

Chapter 15 Section #4 Outline, 

Chapter 15 TEST - Thursday May 16th