Thursday, March 28, 2019

Thursday March 28th Day 33

CHAPTER 13 The Rise of Totalitarianism

*Students will be able to understand the widespread disillusionment with prewar institutions, authorities, and values the resulted in a void that was later filled by totalitarians.
*Students will be able to discuss the influence of World War I on literature, art, and intellectual life in the West (e.g.,Pablo Picasso, the lost generation" of Gertrude Stein, Ernest Hemingway)
*Analyze how Western society changed after WWI
*Compare the Post-War economic situations in Britain, France and the USA

The aftermath of World War I with its winners and losers sets the stage for totalitarians to raise among the rubble of defeated countries. 5 powerful men emerge from the social and political situation and transform the way government and power operate in a society. Having a basic understanding of these men and the situation where they developed in essential in understanding the late 20th century.

Being able to list the Totalitarian leaders and the different conditions that led to their power, as well as the results of their reign.


Essential Question -Total Control.....It can be a good way to get things done...

Journal Entry  What is the prime difference between Communism and Fascism, as it relates to the treatment of the wealthy and politically connected

The ideology of Genocide - Russian (edpuzzle Jordan Peterson)
History of Stalin - Edpuzzle

Totalitarianism presentation - finish the Outline
Student Outline

Oversimplified Hitler Part 1 (Edpuzzle)
Oversimplified Hitler Part 2 (Edpuzzle)
Nazi Ideology (this is to filled-in during the Edpuzzle Video)

Dictator Speech

This week in Chapter 13...

Mapping  - finish by the day of the Test

Interactive map of the Middle East and results of World War 1

PDF's - Place all answers to these 3 pdf's onto 1 Google Doc and submit by Monday Night Apr 1st
Italian Fascism
Red Scare
Hitler Propaganda

Chapter 13 Sectional Presentation

Chapter 13 Test -Tuesday, April 2nd

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Tuesday March 26th Day 32

CHAPTER 13 The Rise of Totalitarianism

*Students will be able to understand the widespread disillusionment with prewar institutions, authorities, and values the resulted in a void that was later filled by totalitarians.
*Students will be able to discuss the influence of World War I on literature, art, and intellectual life in the West (e.g.,Pablo Picasso, the lost generation" of Gertrude Stein, Ernest Hemingway)
*Analyze how Western society changed after WWI
*Compare the Post-War economic situations in Britain, France and the USA

The aftermath of World War I with its winners and losers sets the stage for totalitarians to raise among the rubble of defeated countries. 5 powerful men emerge from the social and political situation and transform the way government and power operate in a society. Having a basic understanding of these men and the situation where they developed in essential in understanding the late 20th century.

Being able to list the Totalitarian leaders and the different conditions that led to their power, as well as the results of their reign.


Essential Question -Total Control.....It can be a good way to get things done...

Totalitarian = “Common to all definitions is the attempt to mobilize entire populations in support of the official state ideology, and the intolerance of activities which are not directed towards the goals of the state, entailing repression or state control of businesslabor unionschurches or political parties

Totalitarian regimes or movements maintain themselves in political power by means of secret policepropaganda disseminated through the state-controlled mass mediapersonality cult, regulation and restriction of free discussion and criticismsingle-party state, the use of mass surveillance, and widespread use of terror tactics.

Journal Entry - Why are fascists anti-democratic?

The Birth and Death of "Il Duce" Benito Mussolini
Student answer Form (this is due Wednesday Night along with the Section #4 Outline

Red Scare (Edpuzzle) and the Palmer Raids (Edpuzzle) - these are short summative videos of the Communist scare in the USA during the post WW1 era

Totalitarianism presentation 

Dictator Speech

This week in Chapter 13...

Mapping  - finish by the day of the Test

Interactive map of the Middle East and results of World War 1

PDF's - Place all answers to these 3 pdf's onto 1 Google Doc and submit by Monday Night Apr 1st
Italian Fascism
Red Scare
Hitler Propaganda

Chapter 13 Sectional Presentation

Chapter 13 Test -Tuesday, April 2nd

Monday, March 25, 2019

Monday March 25th Day 30

CHAPTER 13 The Rise of Totalitarianism

*Students will be able to understand the widespread disillusionment with prewar institutions, authorities, and values the resulted in a void that was later filled by totalitarians.
*Students will be able to discuss the influence of World War I on literature, art, and intellectual life in the West (e.g.,Pablo Picasso, the lost generation" of Gertrude Stein, Ernest Hemingway)
*Analyze how Western society changed after WWI
*Compare the Post-War economic situations in Britain, France and the USA

The aftermath of World War I with its winners and losers sets the stage for totalitarians to raise among the rubble of defeated countries. 5 powerful men emerge from the social and political situation and transform the way government and power operate in a society. Having a basic understanding of these men and the situation where they developed in essential in understanding the late 20th century.

Being able to list the Totalitarian leaders and the different conditions that led to their power, as well as the results of their reign.


Essential Question -Total Control.....It can be a good way to get things done...

Journal Entry - Totalitarian = What factors contributed to Mussolini's rise to power?

Monday - Sec #3 (and FDR) Quiz, Mapping "quiz"

Wednesday Night - Sec #4 Outline

Tuesday in Class - Mussolini Activity, Rise of Totalitarianism Presentation and Outline

Thursday in Class - Section #4 Quiz, Hitler (rise to power) 

Chapter 13 Sectional Presentation

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Thursday March 21st Day 28

Chapter 13 Rise of Totalitarianism

Section #2 Quiz 
*Analyze how Western Society changed after World War 1
*Describe literary and artistic trends of the Era.
*Summarize domestic and foreign policy issues Europe faced after World War 1
*Describe how the Great Depression began and spread and how Britain, France and the USA tried to address it.
*Students will be able to understand the widespread disillusionment with prewar institutions, authorities, and values the resulted in a void that was later filled by totalitarians.
*Students will be able to discuss the influence of World War I on literature, art, and intellectual life in the West (e.g.,Pablo Picasso, the lost generation" of Gertrude Stein, Ernest Hemingway)

The aftermath of World War I with its winners and losers sets the stage for totalitarians to raise among the rubble of defeated countries. 5 powerful men emerge from the social and political situation and transform the way government and power operate in a society. Having a basic understanding of these men and the situation where they developed essentially in understanding the late 20th century.

Being able to list the Totalitarian leaders and the different conditions that led to their power, as well as the results of their reign.

Depression Era Breadlines statues
Depression Era Realities

Journal: Should government guarantee a "universal basic income" for each person and eliminate the welfare system

Let's watch a short review of the Great Depression (Edpuzzle)
Depression/Stock Market Crash reading
Student answer sheet form
New Deal activity - Prager University Summary video (Edpuzzle)

FDR Presentation with student Outline- 
PowerPoint version
Student outline forms

For Monday... Splitting-up of the Middle East and the Ottoman Empire
Presentation on Middle East Post World War 1

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Tuesday March 19th Day 27

Chapter 13 Rise of Totalitarianism

*Analyze how Western Society changed after World War 1
*Describe literary and artistic trends of the Era.
*Summarize domestic and foreign policy issues Europe faced after World War 1
*Describe how the Great Depression began and spread and how Britain, France and the USA tried to address it.
*Students will be able to understand the widespread disillusionment with prewar institutions, authorities, and values the resulted in a void that was later filled by totalitarians.
*Students will be able to discuss the influence of World War I on literature, art, and intellectual life in the West (e.g.,Pablo Picasso, the lost generation" of Gertrude Stein, Ernest Hemingway)

The aftermath of World War I with its winners and losers sets the stage for totalitarians to raise among the rubble of defeated countries. 5 powerful men emerge from the social and political situation and transform the way government and power operate in a society. Having a basic understanding of these men and the situation where they developed essentially in understanding the late 20th century.

Being able to list the Totalitarian leaders and the different conditions that led to their power, as well as the results of their reign.

Depression Era Breadlines statues
Depression Era Realities
Answer Questions regarding the treaty of Versailles Edpuzzle

Journal: “What are some specific metrics that we can use to determine if the economy is doing well or poorly?”

What is a stock or share?  (pieces of ownership in certain companies) How do stock markets operate (supply and demand largely determine the value of stocks, as expressed by their price). If you want to buy a share of a company there is a value applied to that share.

Let's watch a short review of the Great Depression (Edpuzzle)
Presentation on Time between the Two Wars
Presentation scaffolding for Between the World Wars

Work on Section #2 in preparation for the Section #2 Quiz

Monday, March 18, 2019

Monday Mar 18th Day 26

CHAPTER 13 Totalitarianism

Students will be able to describe the independence struggles of the colonized regions of the world,
including the roles of leaders, such as Sun-Yat-sen in China, and the roles of ideology and religions.
As well as describe the effects of the war and resulting peace treaties on population movement,
the international, economy, and shifts in the geographic, and political borders of Europe and the
Middle East.

The transition from World War I ending and the various reactions which occurred around the
world is important to understanding as a means of setting-up the economical and political
foundation which led to World WAR II

Being able to list the factors that the Treaty of Versailles placed on the German people as well as
the German Economy, as well as the impact of World Wide depression of the 1920, will enable
students to connect these events into understanding the reasons WWII occurred.


Essential Question - Does War settle anything?

Before and After

Journal Entry -
1 - How did American youth respond to the ending of the war? What new attitude emerged especially among certain women?

Agenda for today -

1. Quiz
2. Short Video regarding the movie "Inherit the Wind" about the Scopes Trial
3. Start working on Section #2 which will be due at the end of the block tomorrow

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Thursday March 14th Day 25

World War 1

Students will be able to analyze the arguments leaders from all sides of the Great War and the role of political and economic rivalries, ethnic and ideological conflicts, domestic discontent and disorder, and propaganda and nationalism in mobilizing the civilian population in support of "total war"
Examine the principal theaters of battle, major turning points, and the importance of geographic factors in military decisions and outcomes (eg., topography, waterways, distance, climate)

The "War to End all Wars" has many different interpretations as to its cause, its various changes and turns during, and its outcome. The effects of the war impacted many changes that occurred after its end (depression, WWI, etc). Students should understand the environment that led to the first war that was not relegated to one specific area but impacted an entire continent as well as other surrounding continents.

Being able to list the factors which led to the conflict, evaluate those factors for their merit or lack there of, and propose possible solutions that may have prevented the war, or changed the terms of the surrender which may have prevented or altered the World War that followed will allow students to gain insights as to how historical events were addressed.


Essential Question - Self Rule or give responsibility over to the state to make the best decision?

Journal Entry - TBA

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Tuesday Mar 12th Day 24

World War 1

-MAIN Project -  due Tuesday (night) the 12th

 World War 1 and The Russian Revolution

Students will be able to analyze the arguments leaders from all sides of the Great War and the role of political and economic rivalries, ethnic and ideological conflicts, domestic discontent and disorder, and propaganda and nationalism in mobilizing the civilian population in support of "total war"
Examine the principal theaters of battle, major turning points, and the importance of geographic factors in military decisions and outcomes (eg., topography, waterways, distance, climate)

The "War to End all Wars" has many different interpretations as to its cause, its various changes and turns during, and its outcome. The effects of the war impacted many changes that occurred after its end (depression, WWI, etc). Students should understand the environment that led to the first war that was not relegated to one specific area but impacted an entire continent as well as other surrounding continents.

Being able to list the factors which led to the conflict, evaluate those factors for their merit or lack there of, and propose possible solutions that may have prevented the war, or changed the terms of the surrender which may have prevented or altered the World War that followed will allow students to gain insights as to how historical events were addressed.


Essential Question - Self Rule or give responsibility over to the state to make the best decision?

Journal Entry Why did the US decide NOT to join the League of Nations?

Today - Work on Projects

Students should be working on the MAIN Project

MAIN Project - Students build a Google Slides presentation identifying a single country from those involved in World War I and describe how each of the MAIN causes affected that particular country.

Directions Page

For Thursday -
Wilson's 14 points, Treaty of Versailles, Armistice Day activity, WWI Jeopardy

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Thursday Mar 7th Day 23

CHAPTER 11 World War 1 and The Russian Revolution

Students will be able to analyze the arguments leaders from all sides of the Great War and the role of political and economic rivalries, ethnic and ideological conflicts, domestic discontent and disorder, and propaganda and nationalism in mobilizing the civilian population in support of "total war"
Examine the principal theaters of battle, major turning points, and the importance of geographic factors in military decisions and outcomes (eg., topography, waterways, distance, climate)

The "War to End all Wars" has many different interpretations as to its cause, its various changes and turns during, and its outcome. The effects of the war impacted many changes that occurred after its end (depression, WWI, etc). Students should understand the environment that led to the first war that was not relegated to one specific area but impacted an entire continent as well as other surrounding continents.

Being able to list the factors which led to the conflict, evaluate those factors for their merit or lack there of, and propose possible solutions that may have prevented the war, or changed the terms of the surrender which may have prevented or altered the World War that followed will allow students to gain insights as to how historical events were addressed.

Journal Question: None

Chapter Outlines Schedule

Section  #4 - Due  Sunday Night Mar 10th 

Graphic Organizer Section #4

In class time for Then and Now Project

MAIN project will be due Monday Night