Thursday, February 28, 2019

Thursday Feb 28th Day 20

CHAPTER 11 World War 1 and The Russian Revolution

Students will be able to analyze the arguments leaders from all sides of the Great War and the role of political and economic rivalries, ethnic and ideological conflicts, domestic discontent and disorder, and propaganda and nationalism in mobilizing the civilian population in support of "total war"
Examine the principal theaters of battle, major turning points, and the importance of geographic factors in military decisions and outcomes (eg., topography, waterways, distance, climate)

The "War to End all Wars" has many different interpretations as to its cause, its various changes and turns during, and its outcome. The effects of the war impacted many changes that occurred after its end (depression, WWI, etc). Students should understand the environment that led to the first war that was not relegated to one specific area but impacted an entire continent as well as other surrounding continents.

Being able to list the factors which led to the conflict, evaluate those factors for their merit or lack there of, and propose possible solutions that may have prevented the war, or changed the terms of the surrender which may have prevented or altered the World War that followed will allow students to gain insights as to how historical events were addressed.

Journal Question:

  • TBA

We will start the MAIN presentation.....and then....
time will be given in class today to start on the Significant Events Project OR continue to make progress on Section #2 (you're welcome)

Significant Events - Example (Washington Herald Aug13th 1914)
Directions Page

Newspaper Layout Guide