Friday, August 31, 2018

Friday Aug 31st Day 8

Section #3 Outline Quiz - 

Due Tonight: (Aug 11:59 PM)
Aristotle vs Plato (see below for link)

Due Sunday: (Sept 11:59 PM)
Chapter 1 Section #4 Outline

Due Mon: (Sept 11:59 PM)

Chapter 1 Section #5 Outline
12 Tables Decipher and Questions

Bring your 1 page (both sides) cheat sheet handwritten


Objective: Given a textbook covering the Greeks, Romans, Judaism, and Christianity, students will be able to accurately outline the chapter using a template guide, and be able to explain how democracy developed in the Greek city-state of Athens and how the Greek philosophers viewed reason, democracy, tyranny, and rule of law.

Rationale: Each student should be able to articulate where the current governmental practices originated from and the events or beliefs systems that influenced those ideals.

Evidence: By answering the chapter template accurately, students will demonstrate a basic understanding of events which created the modern day version of democracy western civilized countries practice.


Journal write: What is Monotheism, who introduced the idea,  and how was it different from Nearby peoples?

Plato "Allegory of a Cave" - Plato claimed that knowledge gained through the senses is no more than opinion and that, in order to have real knowledge, we must gain it through philosophical reasoning. This was Plato's way of explaining the Life of Socrates, and how he "saw the light" which many others were incapable of seeing.
Explanation of the meaning of the video

12 Tables - Roman law was described in something called the 12 Tables. Follow the direction on how you will re-write the 12 tables and answer questions in regard to them.
12 Tables assignment

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Thursday Aug 30th Day 7

Section #2 Outline Quiz - 

Due Tonight: (Aug 11:59 PM)
Chapter 1 Section #3 Outline

Due Tonight: (Aug 11:59 PM)
Aristotle vs Plato (see below for link)
Pericles Translate (see below for link)

Due Sunday: (Sept 11:59 PM)
Chapter 1 Section #4 Outline

Due Monday: (Sept 11:59 PM)
Chapter 1 Section #5 Outline

Bring your 1 page (both sides) cheat sheet handwritten


Objective: Given a textbook covering the Greeks, Romans, Judaism, and Christianity, students will be able to accurately outline the chapter using a template guide, and be able to explain how democracy developed in the Greek city-state of Athens and how the Greek philosophers viewed reason, democracy, tyranny, and rule of law.

Rationale: Each student should be able to articulate where the current governmental practices originated from and the events or beliefs systems that influenced those ideals.

Evidence: By answering the chapter template accurately, students will demonstrate a basic understanding of events which created the modern day version of democracy western civilized countries practice.


Journal write: As Roman Law developed, certain basic principles evolved, many of which are familiar to Americans today. Name the 4 principles mentioned that still apply today.
Pericles Speeches - You will be using the Pericles Speech to deconstruct the meaning of his words.

We will continue with the presentation of the Greeks - ( Presentation ) When we get to Pericles you will be asked to translate his speech

Your assignment is to rewrite and translate each sentence (in the linked doc below) in more simple terms...tell me what Pericles means in each sentence.
Pericles Speech on Democracy

After Pericles, we will continue with the presentation

When the presentation gets to the Romans, you will read a short essay comparing Aristotle and Plato, and determine which approach is "right"   Aristotle Vs Plato

If there is time remaining, students will begin outlining chapter 1 Section #3 using the Chapter Template.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Tuesday Aug 28th Day 6

Agenda today:

1. Chapter 1 Section #1 Quiz - Quiz Link - GILLIS5961
2. Journal Entry #1 Discussion

3. The ideal approach to this class and all the information you encounter where you have an opinion...please do not click on the link until I tell you

Review of Gun Control Journal question - 3 volunteers to read out their opinion, once we separate the class into the three groups.

Security VS Freedom -questions to be answered and submitted


Objective: Given a textbook covering the Greeks, Romans, Judaism, and Christianity, students will be able to accurately outline the chapter using a template guide, and be able to explain how democracy developed in the Greek city-state of Athens and how the Greek philosophers viewed reason, democracy, tyranny, and rule of law.

Rationale: Each student should be able to articulate where the current governmental practices originated from and the events or beliefs systems that influenced those ideals.

Evidence: By answering the chapter template accurately, students will demonstrate a basic understanding of events which created the modern day version of democracy western civilized countries practice.


Journal write: How did Democracy arise in Ancient Greece?

Once we have covered the requirements of the chapter template, we will start with the basic intro presentation to the Greeks - ( Presentation )

After the first part of the presentation, we will look at the Speeches by Pericles and answer the questions using a Google Drive Doc, and submit the answers to a google classroom folder.

If there is time remaining, students will begin outlining chapter 1 using their Chapter Template.

Pericles Speeches - You will be using the Pericles Speech to deconstruct the meaning of his words.

Your assignment is to rewrite and translate each sentence (in the linked doc below) in more simple terms...tell me what Pericles means in each sentence.
Pericles Speech on Democracy

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Thursday Aug 23rd Day 5

Can you write a persuasive argument?

Your 1st Journal entry will be today...create a new doc, insert a table with 2 columns and several rows. Label the first cell in column 1 with the date, and then Copy and paste the journal question(s) in the same cell below the question(s). Write your answers/responses to the question(s) in the right column in the same row as the question(s) you are responding to.

Journal entry: With the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School the subject of gun control has once again been raised to the forefront of discussion. Your task in your first journal assignment is to answer the question "Should guns laws be more strict, less strict or remain the same". To assist in this assignment I have linked a site whose purpose is to provide information on both sides of a controversial subject so you can become aware of the different arguments for each side.
Here's what you need to do - write a paragraph stating your opinion regarding the subject and provide at least two arguments that support your position and use at least one quote from a credible source to back it up (credible source is one that is unbiased and is backed up with evidence)

The 2nd Amendment to the Constitution:
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
How to write a good paragraph in history class

Prezi presentation regarding writing

You will upload your response to the Google Classroom Folder, and then we will do an in-class activity based on the assignment.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Tuesday Aug 21st Day 4


Objective: Given the scenario of a group of people being shipwrecked on an island, students will be able to identify the various components/challenges of developing a system to govern the group.

Rationale: Students basic understanding of the foundations of group survival will help shape their understanding of what it takes to develop the foundation of "government"

Evidence: Each group should be able to list the various areas where challenges will occur and how they would solve or address those issues.

Challenge #3 - Link

Fairness Doctrine (One per table)  - Form here

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Monday Aug 20th Day 3


Objective: Given the scenario of a group of people being shipwrecked on an island, students will be able to identify the various components/challenges of developing a system to govern the group.

Rationale: Students basic understanding of the foundations of group survival will help shape their understanding of what it takes to develop the foundation of "government"

Evidence: Each group should be able to list the various areas where challenges will occur and how they would solve or address those issues.

Each group must answer and submit their "solution" for each challenge to Google Classroom before viewing and solving the next challenge. - Common Leadership Traits

Challenge #1 - Link

Challenge #2 - Link

Challenge #3 - Link

Fairness Doctrine and Citizenship requirement - One per table

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Thursday Aug 16th Day 2

Assignment sheet

Each student will need to make an assignment sheet
Chromebook, log-in, open drive, open "Google Sheets"

Paster this formula in the GRADE column, it will automatically generate your current grade

Add Google Classroom

Make sure you are added using the right class code

Period 3 - 6aaqed

Period 5 - aaa0gw4 


Objective: Given the scenario of a group of people being shipwrecked on an island, students will be able to identify the various components/challenges of developing a system to govern the group.

Rationale: Students basic understanding of the foundations of group survival will help shape their understanding of what it takes to develop the foundation of "government"

Evidence: Each group should be able to list the various areas where challenges will occur and how they would solve or address those issues.

Each group must answer and submit their "solution" for each challenge to Google Classroom before viewing and solving the next challenge.

Challenge #1 - Link

Challenge #2 - Link

Challenge #3 - Link

Friday, August 10, 2018

Day 1 Wednesday Aug 15th 2018

World History

Today we will get seating assignments, go over the course syllabus, classroom expectations, procedures, etc, etc.

You will have access to a Google Chromebook daily (just like last year) and many of the same procedures will be used (Chromebook check-out, proper use policy, etc)

We will also be using Google Classroom for assignment submission (if the assignment is electronic in nature)

My contact:

Syllabus- Print-out, sign last page and have a parent sign as well
(YOU NEED TO BE LOGGED IN TO YOUR SJUSD ACCT TO ACCESS THE SYLLABUS) I also updated the Google classroom code -we will work on it tomorrow (Thursday)