Friday, February 9, 2018

Day 13


Students will be able to analyze the patterns of global change in the era of New Imperialism in at least two of the following regions or countries: Africa, South Asia, China, India, Latin America, and the Philippines

The social and economic changes that affected the rest of the undeveloped world had their roots in many different motives. Students should be able to look at the various "reasons" and articulate their support of or disdain for, each reason.

Being able to argue for (either) the benefits of Imperialism on the host country vs the benefits for the colonizing country will provide evidence that students are looking at issues from both sides.

Essential Question - Do we control the air over our country?

Journal Entry - No Journal Today...we'll finish the film

Chapter Outlines Schedule

Section #4  -Tuesday Feb 13th

We will continue with the movie on Gandhi and Imperialism.

Meiji Restoration - Meiji Restoration Video (watch the video for background info regarding Japan's transformation from a Feudalistic infighting small communities into a political and military powerhouse.

Due Today

Jose Rizal Biography - ( here )
Read the short biography about Jose Rizal and answer the questions at the end

King Monket of Siam Biography - ( here )
Read the short biography about Jose Rizal and answer the questions at the end

Due Sunday Night

John Grant's Journals and Letters - ( here )
Read the short biography about John Grant and answer the questions at the end. (the #4 question "essay" only needs to be a short paragraph)

Jose Marti Primary Source -( here )
Read the short biography about Cuban patriots and answer the questions at the end. (You should use Google Slides for this assignment as making a short timeline will be much easier on this app)

Due Tuesday Night

Chapter 10 Section #4 Outline -
Chapter 10 Sectional Quizzes  -

Chapter 10 Practice Quizzes

The Sectional Quizzes will be due/turned-in on Monday the day of the test

Chapter 10 Test


Wednesday, Feb 14th