Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Thursday Dec 17th Day 48


One thing to think about on your final is one single short answer question.
Who is right (or to what degree) Marx or Smith
Karl Marx video summary of his ideas - ( here )
Adam Smith video summary of his ideas - ( here )
Here is a good video comparing the two - ( here 

To prepare for the next Semester, each student should be aware of the Adam Smith vs Karl Marx influences throughout the world. Russia, China, and Cuba go the way of Marx. America and Great Britain stay with Smith, Germany and Italy take their own Nationalistic path.

Noam Chomsky on Democracy and Capitalism VS CEO of Whole Foods on the same subject
Noam Chomsky - ( here )
John Mackey - Counter argument to Chomsky - ( here )
Milton Friedman - Is Capitalism Humane? - ( here )



Objective: Students will be able to:
- Identify several events that promoted German unity during the early 1800's, as well as explain how Bismark unified Germany
- Analyze the basic political organization of the new German Empire.
-Describe the sequential events/steps which allowed Germany to become an industrial  giant.
-Explain why Bismark was called the Iron Chancellor.
-List the policies of Kaiser William the II

Being able to connect the various influences and events which caused many European Countries to fall into Nationalistic tendencies will allow students to better understand the severe actions undertaken (and the consequences of those actions) which led to World War I

Being able to identify and explain the effects of Nationalism on setting the stage for World War I will be domonstrtaed in student responses to various question prompts throughout the chapter

Essential Question - How do earlier events affect current and future events?

New Education Law Passed 

Journal Entry - This is your last journal of the semester, read the article and give your opinion of how we have a system that improves education, creates a level playing field for each subject, and gets better understanding/scores. ( here )

Today's Agenda - Prepare for Final

Assignments - 

Update and confirm current grade on your assignment sheet, continue to outline Chapter  7 for the Final.


1 page (2 sided) per chapter. No pre-written short essay question answer
all assignments should have been admitted by this day
The Final will cover Chapter 1-7