Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Thursday Aug 25th Day 5

Once this activity is done, we will move to the 2nd assignment
Security VS Freedom -overview
Security VS Freedom -questions to be answered and submitted

There will be a set of Follow-up questions that you will answer once your group had made a decision on Freedom VS Security


Objective: Given a textbook covering the Greeks, Romans, Judaism and Christianity, students will be able to accurately outline the chapter using a template guide, and be able to explain how democracy developed in the Greek city-state of Athens and how the Greek philosophers viewed reason, democracy, tyranny, and rule of law.

Rationale: Each student should be able to articulate where the current governmental practices originated from and the events or beliefs systems that influenced those ideals.

Evidence: By answering the chapter template accurately, students will demonstrate a basic understanding of events which created the modern day version of democracy western civilized countries practice.


Journal write: What does democracy mean to you? Would you be willing to fight/die for it? Why have others done so in the past?

Once we have covered the requirements of the chapter template, we will start with the basic intro presentation to the Greeks - ( Presentation )

After the first part of the presentation, we will look at the Speeches by Pericles and answer the questions using a Google Drive Doc, and submit the answers to a google classroom folder.

If there is time remaining, students will begin outlining chapter 1 using their Chapter Template.

Pericles Speeches - go to Google Classroom to get the Pericles speech template you will use for this assignment -  (when you finish, make sure you submit your answers into the Google Classroom folder before Midnight tonight)