One thing to think about on your final is one single short answer question.
Who is right (or to what degree) Marx or Smith
Karl Marx video summary of his ideas - ( here )
Adam Smith video summary of his ideas - ( here )
Here is a good video comparing the two - ( here )
To prepare for the next Semester, each student should be aware of the Adam Smith vs Karl Marx influences throughout the world. Russia, China, and Cuba go the way of Marx. America, and Great Britain stay with Smith, Germany and Italy take their own Nationalistic path.
Noam Chomsky on Democracy and Capitalism VS CEO of Whole Foods on the same subject
Noam Chomsky - ( here )
John Mackey - Counter argument to Chomsky - ( here )
Milton Friedman - Is Capitalism Humane? - ( here )
After attending classes for the first semester, students will be able to answer various questions covering the entire semester on a timed test and get over 80% of them correct.
In addition, they will be able to answer a short essay question regarding the fundamental differences between two popular approaches to the formation of the economic basis for society.
In addition, they will be able to answer a short essay question regarding the fundamental differences between two popular approaches to the formation of the economic basis for society.
Being able to connect each chapter in a sequential manner to understand it influences on each other is something each student should be able to do at the end of the semester
Being able to identify and explain the effects of the foundations of democracy, the Enlightenment and the various revolutions (French, American and Industrial), will provide evidence of the students understanding of major concepts of the 1st semester.
Climate Deal out of Paris. ( here )
Climate Political Cartoons - ( here )
Chapter 7 All section need to be finished by Dec 14th
Essential Question - Does world cooperation always benefit all parties?
New Climate Deal Passed

Climate Political Cartoons - ( here )
Today's Agenda - Prepare for Final
___________________________________________________________________________________________Assignments -
Update and confirm current grade on your assignment sheet, continue to outline Chapter 7 for the Final.___________________________________________________________________________________________
1 page (2 sided) per chapter. No pre-written short essay question answer
___________________________________________________________________________________________Chapter 7 All section need to be finished by Dec 14th
The Final will cover Chapter 1-7