Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Thursday Jan 30th Day 10

For Today - 

Finish Women in History Presentations

Sphere of influence video - Boxer rebellion (edpuzzle)
Meiji Restoration video - (edpuzzle)

Open Door Question Activity ( Socrative )

Mexican America War Presentation
Mexican American War DBQ (Google Classroom)

Meiji Restoration Outline/Presentation (from the other day)
Open Door Policy DBQ

Test Monday Chapter 10 ( all 3 sections) as well as informartion covered in videos, ppt's and assignments

New Textbook 

Module 10Transformations Around the Globe

Section #1 China Resists Outside Influences

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Tuesday Jan 28th Day 9

For Today - 

Finish Women in History Presentations
Sec #1 & #2 Quiz 
Meiji Restoration Outline/Presentation
Open Door Policy DBQ

New Textbook 

Module 10Transformations Around the Globe

Section #1 China Resists Outside Influences

Monday, January 27, 2020

Monday Jan 27th Day 8

For Today - 

Finish Women in History Presentations
Sec #1 & #2 Quiz Tomorrow

New Textbook 

Module 10Transformations Around the Globe

Section #1 China Resists Outside Influences

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Thursday Jan 23nd Day 7

FOR Thursday
Chapter 8 Test

New Textbook 

Module 10Transformations Around the Globe

  • Google Classroom Lesson #1 Outline Due Sunday Night

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Tuesday Jan 21st Day 6

FOR Tuesday

 "Human" rights and Trade

During the first 50 years in England from 1800-1850 many of the subjects addressing what "human rights" are were being challenged. Suffrage, crime and punishment (including what crimes merit capital punishment) slavery, ownership of property, working conditions, etc, were under scrutiny.
This was occurring at the same time society was instituting strict social behavior norms for its upper class members of society (The Downton Abby class)

There were several changes afoot during this time, this form lists a few of the "themes" that seemed

 (go to Google Classroom to get the form), answer/summarize the various acts/movements/changes that occurred in Chapter 8.  From this summary determine which "Theme" seemed most prevalent or impactful.
You will identify which change(s) you feel was the most impactful (even if at the time it was symbolic) to the future development of how society has evolved.

This will be expressed in a paragraph that lists 3 pieces of evidence that support your opinion about why your "Theme" is correct.

To be watched at home before Thursday's Test

The Dreyfus Affair
 Dreyfus Affair Summary

Why is this important.....

*One of the first political scandals that are captured on video (not the scandal itself but the events are filmed)
*1st uses of propaganda as an influential tool
*documented use of anti-semitism
*newspapers rooting out corruption by investigative reporting
*scandal that went beyond the country borders in "real-time"


Monday, January 20, 2020

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Thursday Jan 16th Day 5

FOR Thursday... 
Section #3 Quiz

Cartoon Analysis guide (after reviewing the cartoon, list the examples in the chart and answer the questions at the end and be ready to submit them to the classroom folder)
 Cartoon Option #1      Cartoon Option #2  

"Human" rights and Trade

During the first 50 years in England from 1800-1850 many of the subjects addressing what "human rights" are were being challenged. Suffrage, crime and punishment (including what crimes merit capital punishment) slavery, ownership of property, working conditions, etc, were under scrutiny.
This was occurring at the same time society was instituting strict social behavior norms for its upper class members of society (The Downton Abby class)

There were several changes afoot during this time, this form lists a few of the "themes" that seemed to evolve during this period. Here - These are some of the themes

Reform Act of 1832 (Summary)

 Theme Activity Sheet, review the chart, and list what you feel is the "theme" of this era (from the form above)

Your task will be to express what "theme" of this era was the most important. You will identify which change(s) you feel was the most impactful (even if at the time it was symbolic) to the future development of how society has evolved.

This will be expressed in a paragraph that lists 3 pieces of evidence that support your opinion about why your "Theme" is correct.
* What condition(s) lead to the act (this is where you describe what the social conditions were that created the "need" to make a change... why did the Chartist Act come about?
* Describe the Act itself...What changed as a result of the Chartist Act being implemented
* Describe the details of the would you explain the Chartist Act to someone who didn't know what it was...this is where you include a few "such as..." or "for example..."

If you haven't already done so, watch the short ( 10 min) video on 
Victorian Age History (homework for viewing)

The Dreyfus Affair

Here is the Video link we watched in class - (This is a Youtube link and may not work at school, but should work at home)

Here is the presentation that reflects the same info - Dreyfus Affair


Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Tuesday Jan 14th Day 4

Chapter 8 

Social and Economic reform in Britain - students have learned about political reforms in Britain in the early 1800s, in today's lesson, students will be able to list and evaluate the country's social and economic reforms, including the abolition movement and labor unions.

The social and economic changes that began in England had ripple effects all across the world when addressing traditional social and economic standards, students should understand the conditions which led to these movements' creation.

Being able to identify and explain the role of suffrage and labor unions within society will demonstrate an understanding of why these movements had such a lasting impact.


Essential Question - Is Capital Punishment a deterrent?

Journal Entry - In the 1800's shoplifting, sheep-stealing and impersonating an army officer were punishable by death, is that ok?

The second part of your journal should be to answer the questions below...

Death Penalty - please list the types of crimes you feel would merit the death penalty, and how you would go about administering the death penalty, OR, provide an alternative to the death penalty if you do not believe in capital punishment. 
What would your punishment be for Dylann Roof (the guy who shot and killed 9 people in a church in South Carolina) or Nicholas Cruz (the guy who shot-up Parkland H.S. in Florida)

We will discuss the death penalty when I return

Today's Agenda - Victorian Etiquette

During Queen Victoria's reign, society became incredibly stable. The leadership didn't change for 60 some years, and within that time the expectations of  "how one acts in society, and knowing one's place in society" was cemented into the fabric of everyday life. This had both positive and negative effects. In today's activities, we will look at the social change that occurred within this time period. Thursday we will look at the political change.

Victorian Age Etiquette (Video) (normally I show this in class, please watch this with headphones OR watch it when you get home, its a short video about how people "behaved properly")

Pro Con Chart of Etiquette - in this chart there are 10 social norms that were demanded of society. At your table, split-up the 10 norms and assign 2 to each person (with the remaining two to be done collectively when the first round of is finished). 
Read each etiquette expectation, and think about how those expectations could be seen as a positive thing (what's good about expecting a person to behave this way) and also how these actions could be perceived negatively (what's wrong with expecting a person to behave like this)

* Your focus should be on what society feels about the "place" or "role" that certain people play, not about the specific acts of etiquette themselves. It's not about how the people are acting, it's about the reason why people are treated in this way, and how that reasoning affects society's expectation of what role that person would play moving forward.

*Each student will submit four responses to the etiquette assignment...the two they were assigned and the two collective answers their table answered.

Once you are finished work on Chapter 8 Section #3 Outline (due Wed Night, quiz Thursday)


Friday, January 10, 2020

Monday Jan 13th Day 3


Chapter 8 Sections #1 & #2 Quiz 

Start Women in History Presentations

Continue on Chapter 8 Section #3 (Due Wed Night)

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Thursday Jan 9th Day 2


Next section after this project is Chapter 8 of the old textbook....I will make this available on classroom if you want to get an early start...section #1 will be due tonight

Today you will be given the entire block period to research your person and start to build your poster.
Your project must be printed in color (unless the design is intended to be black and white). The size of the Poster should be......16 X 20 inches Width by Height. If you make your project 8.5 X 11, you will not receive the additional 18 or 20 points of extra credit for printing it.
You will need to design 5 questions that a viewer of your project will be able to answer from viewing/reading your poster. These 5 questions should focus on the most significant elements of your person. (Essentially, what 5 things are the most important things to know about your biography subject).
Assignment Overview/Directions
List of Famous Women

On Thurday... you will be given the block to build your project and get creative feedback as to it's design. The project will need to be submitted to Costco (where I recommend you get it printed out) by Thursday night to make sure it will be printed for the next week.

Costco price list

See the website for examples

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Tuesday Jan 7th Day 1 second semester


Next section after this project is Chapter 8 of the old textbook....I will make this available on classroom if you want to get an early start...section #1 will be due next week.

Today you will be given the entire block period to research your person and start to build your poster.
Your project must be printed in color (unless the design is intended to be black and white). The size of the Poster should be......16 X 20 inches Width by Height. If you make your project 8.5 X 11, you will not receive the additional 18 or 20 points of extra credit for printing it.
You will need to design 5 questions that a viewer of your project will be able to answer from viewing/reading your poster. These 5 questions should focus on the most significant elements of your person. (Essentially, what 5 things are the most important things to know about your biography subject).
Assignment Overview/Directions
List of Famous Women

On Thurday... you will be given the block to build your project and get creative feedback as to it's design. The project will need to be submitted to Costco (where I recommend you get it printed out) by Thursday night to make sure it will be printed for the next week.

Costco price list

See the website for examples